What are the odds?

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I knew something was wrong with them!

Tho it is weird that they came after me...

Do I have some unfinishes business with them?


I was still standing there thinking about it for a while until I realized something odd... The people I just killed didn't attack and the more I looked at them the more I started thinking about what just happened. Not only did they knew about our whereabout but the more problematic thing here was that they dared to spy on us. Then again, this is not something weird but the people who did it were more than sus. Their skills were nowhere to be enough to do the job. In the end and t make it short, this was a suicide mission for them.

So why?

Why did they send people this unskilled to come at me?

It didn't make much sense in my eyes.

Not only was Serpant known everywhere but Usagi was actually getting more known. Everyone knew that Usagi was staying with Serpant together and it doesn't take to be a genius to actually know who I was. Then why in the world would they approach me after I killed people this bloody?

Me: *Sigh* This is making sooooo much sense.....

Please mind the sarcasm that was coming out of my mouth as if I had honey around me. It was slipping out soo damn great that it was more than natural.

I should probably go back to Serpant....

Can't he pick me up...

We drove here!

This is a long way to go...

Should I maybe make a detour and grace Orchid with my present?

Let me think about it..... Hmmmmm~ 


They will pay for this sooner or later.

Maybe later more than sooner.

It really sucked that I had to go home now and I knew that my problem was that I had to go by foot. Not as if it was just a walk down the streets or something like that at all. Plus people were soo gonna look at me the wrong way as well. A kid walking down the street in an abandoned part which was also known to be a bad part of the city. All that I needed nw was a hero passing by and thinking that I need some kind of help or was lost.

Me: I should get going....

After a couple of more minutes staying there in place and thinking about what to do as well as what happened with these guys, I decided to start walking back home. It was quite a way and I wasn't keen on doing it but I knew I had to get home anyways.

Okay if they have a grudge against me then this was definitely a saying...

Tho I am taking this personally now!

Don't think you can escape me Orchid!


I wonder what Serpant will say about it.

Time passed quickly while I was thinking about all the different ways I could actually get back at Orchid. I could dye the whole place in red and would even laugh at their cold and bloody corpses. This would definitely be fun and before I knew it, I started smiling like a damn lunatic as well.


Something is wrong!

I feel it.

The air around here is more tense!

While I started to feel as if something was about to happen, I started to brace myself and started to be more vigilant and careful. Thankfully I knew to listen to my instincts or I would have run into that hero. It may be still early for the hero to walk around especially since he was an underground hero but he was still there.

What the heck is that hobo man doing around here?


I am offically dead!

He can't see me!

I have to hide!

Where tho!

This is a goddamn street!

My thoughts started to overthrow themselves and I could swear that my thoughts went miles per hours but this was one of the moments it was necessary to nearly have a heart attack. After all, there was nothing around me at all. No places to hide and no places to go then just straight and pass that alley where I just saw the hero.

Since there was no other way, I took the only last option that I had.


I hate this!




This is soo damn ridiculous!

What even are the odds of me running into that man here....


Serpant will for sure laugh at me for this....

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