Oho... don't play with me!

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Kurogiri: Please, why don't we all have a seat and I made us some drinks ready?

Shigaraki: Let's do this Kurogiri.

Me: Very well.

The bar was really something else. Everything was dusty and I would have said that there were rats running around. No matter how I looked at this thing, I hated being here but at the same time I knew that this was where villains would actually stay. 

I swear to god...

Serpans home is soo clean and cosy!

I never ever EVER appreciated it...

Now I do.

Of course I went to the bar side and sat down, waiting for a drink putting the dagger a bit away but in a way that when I needed it, I could immediately grab it and be ready to kill them all. However they were somewhat different and I at least wanted to know why they would go this far to get me. Not to be rude or anything but this seemed a bit too extrem even for villains.

Me: Speak up.

Kurogiri: We wanted to invi-

Me: Not you. I don't want to hear it from an underling but the boss himself.

Shigaraki: I want you to join us.

Me: Not gonna happen.

Shigaraki: How about helping us then?

Me: If you can afford it.

Shigaraki: Name a price and it shall be done. 

Me: You are not the best here.

Shiagraki: No but I am working for a greater good.

Me: Oh really?

Shigaraki: Yes. The heroes are all nuisences. 

Me: Damn. I know they are all little miss extras but that is still... that is a bit too weak even for you.

Shigaraki: I like you. I honestly like you.

Me: Can't say the same.

Shigaraki: Don't ruin the moment.

Me: Nooo, never.

Shigaraki: What do you want?

Me: How about going home.

Shigaraki: Listen, I have precious informations and I need someone like you for this.

Me: Oh and how did you little stupid ass get them?

Shigaraki: Not your business.

Me: It is. Do you even know that the information you got are leaked thanks to me?

Shigaraki: ...

Me: So you knew it.

Shigaraki: How I got them is not important.

Me: You mean breaking into UA while using the news reporter as a shield? Ohh yeah great way of getting informations.

Shigaraki: It worked.

Me: It did but how long do you think you will stay hidden?

Shigaraki: What if I don't want to be hidden?

Me: So that coupe you are talking about is a big revealing?

Shigaraki: Exactly. 

Me: Tell me what you got.

With that Shigaraki started to look at me and he had a huge smile on his face. However before he could tell me what this was all about, Kurgiri placed some drinks right in front of us and then a map. It looked like a construction map of some sort. 

Me: Is this the blueprint of a building?

Shigaraki: Not a building but the USJ.

Me: USJ as in universal studio Japan... way tooo gooo! Wanna film a movie now or what?

Shigaraki: No. I mean-

Me: Unforseen Simulation Joint. I know. I did my job and am following all the news about everything concerning my future enemies.

Shigaraki: So you know that is about to finished?

Me: I do but why are you eying it?

Shigaraki: It just so happens that the USJ is also a place for a fieldtrip.

Me: You don't say.

Shigaraki: Now hear me out. Class 1A-

Me: The class with Eraserhead and All Might?

Shigaraki: Yes.

Me: I'll pass.

Shigaraki: WHAT?!

Me: I said I pass.

Shigaraki: You didn't even hear the end.

Me: I heard enough.

Shigaraki: Why are you being a pussy?

The moment he called me a pussy, I pulled out my knife and stabbed it right between his fingers on the table visibly a couple of centimeters into the wood. No one ever calls me a pussy after what I did. I was not afraid of anything. The contrary was the case. I wouldn't have loved to do anything else than to actually announce myself to the world but it wasn't the time yet. Something deep dwon in my guts was telling me that his plan was bullshit and if I would get involved into it, I would be done.


I wouldn't do that...


There was this thing as well....

Only because he was there didn't meant I couldn't be there and that idea was just about starting to form into my head. I didn't like people ordering me around anyways.

Me: This is over!

Shigaraki: N-

Kurogiri: Maybe we will continue this another day.

Shigaraki: TSK! 

Me: Get me back. NOW!

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