Overprotective much!

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There was a reason we decided to sleep this long. Chances were high we would all be up for the next 24 hours and we needed that power in advance. 

Serpant: Usagi, go change into your villain outfit.

Me: Already did that.

Stain: You are wearing a villain outfit beneath that? Isn't it freaking hot for you inside?

Me: No.

Serpant: The costume he is wearing is a special custom order.

Stain: You mean?

Serpant: Yup.

I would have loved to ask what they meant but there was complete faith in between us and I trusted him. There was no need to find out what he meant with special order or where he got it from. The most important thing was after all that he got it for me in mind and he thought about everything that I could need in case I got into a fight which I hoped not.

Yes, I was conflicted.

On one side, I wanted to make a blood bath.

Then on the other hand, I wanted to play it safe because I had people that were depending on me and would do something totally stupid if I would fail. Let's face it, I would soo count on them to bail me out and without doubt they would either break into prison or the police office where they would probably keep me 24 hours for interrogation.

Well.... better not give them that chance.

Who knows what they would do if it comes this far.

I kinda think Stain would go haywire and then masmurder everyone... count Serpant as well since he was once a serial killer and he was also the best in his field as a mercenary. 

Nah even thinking about it made me thrown so I wouldn't even consider that an option.

Stain: You got all weapons?

Me: In the sport bags are the big ones and the others hiding in my suit.

Serpant: Good. Keycard?

Me: In my pocket.

Stain: How are you gonna get in?

Me: Front door being the first one there and throwing a fit about a youth quirk and jumping in cause someone is sick.

Stain: Remember if anything happen just call for us over the small eardbud.

Me: I know.

Serpant: I checked all your weapons earlier and they are all set, no malfunction, nothing. All the guns are soundless as well and you got some fine bullets which have some small liquid inside that is poison as well.

Stain: Speaking of poison... I know you have that one weapon on you. Did you drink the antidote?

Me: Already did.

Serpant: Good. Remember it will count for 24 hours only. Make sure after that not to touch the weapon.

Me: Mh! I am not a kid anymore. I know what I am doing.

Serpant: I know.

Stain: Yeah but we are still worried. This is dangerous. You are not only facing heroes or any civilian but also kids your age with quirks that are a bit trained and wild and out of controll and-

Me: Let me guess.... not that much of a fan of kids huh...

Stain: They are annoying. You are an exception.

Me: Awww thanks.

Serpant: You do know Stain is right. You are facing a bunch of minor criminals and then the LOV as well. Who knows what will happen.

Me: It will be fine.

Stain: You are wayyyyy like wayyyyyyy too optimistic.

Me: Better than be pessimistic.

Serpant: True.

I knew very well what they were worried aobut. The moment I will be on myself, is the moment I will have to deal with soo many variables. The heroes there are one. However in my point of view they are not the most dangerous ones. One would think the heroes were dangerous and if not them then the villains but nah, these people act in a pattern and have an interest in mind. Kids on the other hand were unpredictable. This was the most I was fearing and that was why I did soo much research on their quirk. 

Call me weird.

Call me overdramatic.

Call me whatever!

Safe is safe and that's what I wanted to be.

Besides I kinda was not that worried about that bunch of villain wanna bes at all. Not to mention these small fries of villains which will be there as well. Everyone knew the name Usagi and everyone knew the name Serpant. There was absolutely no need to be that much on high alert when it came to them. If people were clever they would avoid us.

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