*sigh* ... I really have to explain!

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I really hope not to see you ever again!

I don't need trouble like that!

Never like never hit me up!

Looks like I need to make sure not to get into their traps again....

Tho I am sure Shiggy is scared from me.

Kurogiri was for sure and Shiggy what a kid.

Did he really think he could hide his anxiety?


Kinda funny but honestly.... how did he come up with attacking USJ?

That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.

Besides that.

All Might is not the only one who will be there.... I am pretty sure Eraserhead will be there as well and then there should be another hero since both of them are not publicly known to be rescue heroes. 


This will not be that easy....

I need to think about this a bit more.

But first!


No one could blame me when I left Kurogiri and went to the next store to ask for something.I may or may not looked crazy after I finished that school job and still had blood on me but I still kinda had this craving for something sweet. So I decided to walk into the next store down the road on my way back home to Serpant which was perfectly for us villains. Of course the owner was something else like everyone here. There was not a single person down here in the undergound who owned a store without a history. 

Me: Got some sweets?

That was indeed the first thing I said and thankfully enough no one questened you if you ever walked into a store completly covered in blood.

I am thankfull for these stores to be open 24/7!

How do I pay tho?

I don't have money on me...

Owner: Second row on the top shelf.

Me: Thanks.

Owner: Aren't you the kid everyone talks about?

Me: Usagi, pleasure to meet you.

Owner: Take what you want and leave.

Me: Without paying?

Sounds kinda sweet to me!

But where is the catch?

He for sure needs something...

Does he have some kind of dead bodies in the basement tha the needs to clear or maybe he has someone he wants to get rid of...


Sounds good!

Owner: You think I want some bad blood with the killer rabbit? Pfff- I am not tired of life yet.

That's all?



I can't believe this.

Keeping him alive is pretty easy and I didn't wanted to kill him in the first place but... why does he say it like that...


I need something sweet...

Should I get some chocolate...

Maybe something else....



Me: Meh but thanks.

Owner: Just don't go after me.

Me: Sure why not. I owe you one.

It was a smalltalk we did till I finally found something that looked perfect.

Me: Chupa Chups!

Owner: You like them?

Me: Love them.

Owner: Take the whole bucket there is.

Me: Thanks.

I was really happy when the owner said that and of course I took the bucket he had from the top of the shelft and walked towards the man behind the counter looking at him for the very first time. He was a very thin man and he had very white skin tone. The only visible thing I could see hinting his quirk were his pointy ears and his squished nose which reminded me of a bat mixture with a human like morbius from the old old comics.

Me: If you ever need help, tell me about it. I owe you one.

Owner: Just don't come here and kill me.

Me: Alright.

Sounds fair enough. 

With the bucket of sweets I got out of the store and immediately put one into my mouth. I loved Chupa Chups lollies. They reminded me of good times I had. They were rare but they were nice so I decided to take them and it was soo good that I had a whole bucket with soo many different flavors as well.

The only funny thing was....

When I got home and opened the door. No that is wrong. I didn't even had to open the door. Stain was there already outside and he was looking at me wuite weirdly as well. After that I soon found out why. Serpant was walking out of the store watching me smile like an idiot, hippedy hoppeding down the last couple of houses with a bucket filled with sweet and blood all over me.

Did I forget to mention that I was out like the whole night, the morning and it was already noon.


Now you know.

This was gonna be a disaster cause this was calling for it sooooo badly.....


Oh well the earth could go down into a purge and hell could break lose and I would be happily smiling with a lolly in my mouth enjoying it.

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