That feeling in the chest!

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In the end I decided to not tell them why I thought that All for One was not a problem. It was a gamble after all and no one guaranteed me that in the end what I was speculating would be true. There were soo many possibilities and I could even be wrong. 

Now there were soo many things that could go worng. Better to have one thing that would make them less worried. Besides we had to pull a USJ cup and I wasn't even sure if that will be a hit or totall disaster. If worse gets to worse, there is a high chance I would need to simply run and abandon everyone. 

Tho something told me that even that is not that simple. I was sure that Serpant would run after me. Stain would definitelly go after me as well. Why wouldn't they after all the time we soent together and after what I heard them telling me. I mean they were also threatening me to return back and they wanted to get involved on their own. In fact I never actually asked to do that. This alone showed me how much they really cared.

And a week really passed fast. 

I mean Serpant and Stain got everything prepared whlie I studied and followed the news trying to find out if anything changed. If that was the case, then I would have needed to make adjustments. They would be last minute and all and then that meant rushing and I really was not one to like rushing things. The reason was very simple cause each time if someone would rush something, they would pretty much slip up and make an error for sure. There was nothing guaranteed and the more time I invest into planning the better the outcome would be. So I was really not keen on getting surprised at all.

Stain: I hate this!

We were all sitting together and it was the night before the attack. We all decided to sleep long to be up in the real morning for once and I even slept a lot. Everything was ready and I just needed to wait for a couple more hours before heading in.

Serpant: Same. I know why I gave up being a serial killer. This suspense is killing me each time.

Stain: This is how it feels like having a plan? 

Serpant: Ah yeah you always rush without one.

Stain: Exactly.

Serpant: Well welcome to my world. This is how it feels.

Stain: Your world is horrible.

Serpant: Did you just say my world is horrible? Well thanks a lot B.R.O.T.H.E.R.

Stain: I messed up, didn't I?

Me: Yup.

Stain: Shit. I am sorry bro. I didn't mean it like that.

Serpant: I know, I am just pulling you leg.

Stain: Are you sure?

Serpant: Yeah. I always hated that feeling as well.

Stain: *sigh* good.

Me: What's wrong with this feeling?

Stain: You gotta be kidding!

Me: No, not at all.

Honestly I knew what they meant. It was that feeling before going on out and knowing how much is at stake. A little tingle all over the body. Then the heart which was puping soo much faster. Senses that were sharp and picking up any unnecessary thing in my vision as well as sound. Just being on edge and high allert to anything that could happen. 

Then there was this inner feeling as if my heart was heavy and just suck down to the bottom of my stomach pit. It was still beating very fast. Not even a marathon would keep up with how fast it was running. Nothing could stop it and it even seem to start go faster and faster with each passing minute. 

My throat was completly dry, but I couldn't focus on that. Then my fingers were cold, ice cold as if the blood which was pumping was not enough. 

This was my body and I knew this feeling but it didn't bother me. If anything it was making me a bit giggly and jumpy. I wanted to jump into action, all my sesnes were soo high allert that I knew I could pick up the tiniest detail and my brain was working a hundret miles of thoughts in a seconds.

It just felt as if I was unbeatable!

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