What a threat!

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It didn't really take me long to get informations about the dragon hero... well that is what I would love to say but I would be lying if I said that. The truth was... I stayed up all night and in the morning which was just a couple of seconds ago, Serpant came in screaming at me to get sleep. Did I actually listen to him? Nope. I really was too deep into digging up things that I just said yeah sure and continued doing what I was doing.


So dragon skin and dragon appearance.

From what I could see she has like great stamina, is petty fast with the supersonic speed and can do extended melee attacks.

Physical strength also on another level....

Attack or destructive powers..... one of the top ranked heroes for sure.. 

Definitelly on par with Gang Orca if not stronger.

She is a teacher at nejire hado...

Might used that as a method of getting her.

Then there is no visible weakness....

Well shit!

I will be screwed.

I have to find a way to exploid her weakness but if there is no visible weakness this will be hard.

Maybe I can like do something with the piece of information that she is actually a teacher...

She is a human and probably also build up a lot of social closeness with her class.

Hero in training shouldn't be a problem.

The real problem is her dragon form...


Dragon form...

Maybe there is a weakness in dragon folklore!

In europe it's the underbelly which is sensitive but otherwise they are nearly invulnerable. 

In chineese folklore it;s not something like that since they are kinda part of celestial beings but apparently they have allergies... might be a possibility if I use the knowledge that in legends dragons are allergic to iron. So Iron daggers? Or should I rather go with Iron bullets?

I started taking some notes on lose papers since there wasn't really any notebook at all and I really just needed something to write all possibilites down. At this point my complete surrounding was filled with papers and scribbles all over them. I was sure if I would get a notebook in my hands then that would be it for sure.


After I had like papers and papers about the strength of her as well as her speed and the way she was moving and attack patterns, I went ahead and wrote down weaknesses but there was not much to talk about since there  were not that many weaknesses. For once I knew that her scales were actually pretty damn good at defending attacks off and the only weak spot I could see was actually some areas. One were her eyes then the next one was at her belly right by her legs. It was that small part that was there to connect both pieces together and that skin was also one of the most sensitive skin parts. Then there should be something called a reveres scale but I couldn't find one at all so it was either not existant or it was a lot harder to spot.


While I continued to scribble down stuff, I didn't hear the knock or the door opening or Serpant coming into the room and grabbing my paper away from me.

me: HEY!


Me: Try me bitch!

Serpant: You want me to go full out on you?

Me: As if you can.

Serpant: True but do you know what else I can do, huh?

Me: What? This is important.

Serpant: Not as important as your goddamn health.

Me: I would have gone to sleep soon.

Serpant: It's fucking noon you damn owl.

Me: I know!

Serpant: And how late you think it is?

Me: ... did you say noon?

Serpant: YES! Now go fucking sleep.

Me: ...

Serpant: NOW! Before I decide to get back that mission and tell the costumer you can't do it due to personal reasons.

Me: Noooo you wouldn't do that.

Serpant: Try me.

Me: Fine fine. I'll go sleep but don't do that.

Serpant: Just go sleep.

Me: ... goodnight.

Serpant: Fucking finally. Goodnight you lunatic.

Since there was a high chance of him sticking with what he said, I decided to throw all the paper like a bit into the air just so I could move and get to that bed and sleep. Not gonna lie, I was dead tired. So I ended up fast asleep pretty fast.

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