Just speculation!

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There were a couple of things that I thought about why All for One was not acting on his own but had a stupid villain group, no wait a kindergarden group of wanna be villains do the thing. After the fight with All Might everyone knows that he got badly injured. So if that is true then the most likely case is that he is still badly injured. Then why isn't he using his quirk to get a healing quirk? The only plausible thing was that he was too weak for it or that his quirk isn't supporting healing quirks anymore. Whatever it was, he was not ready to fight for himself and that is why he had some kids playing villains.

Now continuing the thoughts and go down a road of possibilities, there might be a chance that he is doing this only for another reason. What if and that is a big what if, he is trying to do a big scoop in order to preprare for something else. If everyone was looking at the LOV, then no one will notice some other things happening and if they line up, they will be backtracked to the LOV since he is the man behind everything. That also means he is completly safe!

Brilliant plan.

However what if he is only using the LOV as a disguise for something else. It is known that All for One hates All Might and he wants something from him. The only thing he has in common with All Might is his quirk. From what I could tell they are something else for sure. I also was speculating on All Mights quirk for soo long to find it hard to believe it is not an exact replica of Nana Shimuras quirk.

I did notice some things when looking and researching about heroes. It was somewhat of a thing I liked to do whenever I got bored to kill some time. 

Now if I knew that much, and combine it with the knowledge that All for One actually steals quirks, then that means that there is a chance that he is after All Mights quirk. 

If however All Mights quirk is something that can be given to people which looks like it just seeing how Nana had the same quirk like him and there was also another great hero which was known to have a very similar one to Nana as well, I would safely asume that he will give his quirk to another kid soon.


Well I remember that All Might's fight was quite spectacular, I watched it over and over again and he had this injury. I highly doubt that he managed to heal from that. Besides this, there was also the fact that he was showing less and less often. Soo what did that mean? 

It didn't take to be a detective like Sherlock Homes or actually really inteligent and being called a genius. No, it was really simple! 

It meant that he as well like All for One didn't heal up from the fight. 

Now combine this with his quirk probably being something that he could pass on because he was not really related to any of the previous number one heroes with such a quirk, then that meant he could pass it on to someone randomly and at any given time and moment.

Here comes the dangerous part now.

From what I knew All Migth was now a teacher at UA... why tho?

Why would he be a teacher after all this time?

It didn't made any sense if not for the fact that someone in UA was his successor. 

Again this was all just speculation from all the information I gathered about heroes in the past as well as the current situation. It could be totally wrong but it could also just hit the nail on its head. Who knows. 


There is the chance that All Might was class 1A's teacher because his next in line is also there.

Now it was still open if I should tell this to Serpant and Stain or hold this for myself and have a small trup card. The reason why I was soo sure that All for One wouldn't go against us was because I knew this much. I was fairly confident that I could strike a deal with said man. 

As crazy as it sounded, if I would bring him the man he was looking for then I would certainly replaced his small little kindergarten party of a small collection of virgins.

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