Be careful

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We all got home and I secured my bucket of sweets away from Serpant and Stain since they both would be against this tho I soo don't get why. Sometimes everyone needs a bit of sweetness in their life and no one can do anything about my little sweet tooth here. Still the question remaind for how long my little precious bucket would stay safe.

When we managed to get home, we also managed to scare half the people living in the street and everyone who listened to us or saw us. It's not that common to find Serpant to scream at someone not to mention shoot at someone. Whelp I got an achivement. Besides it kinda felt refreshing.

Now that it was all done, we all sat down in the living room and we also had something to soothing to the mind. Our little nerves were all on edge and honestly it wouldn't be like this if not for the LOV. They even made me curse soo much in such a short time. I don't know when the last thing I did that was besides that they scared me just a little bit.

Stain: So shoot.

Me: Did anything go out to the news?

Serpant: You mean about the school you just kinda masacred?

Me: It was just one classroom.

Serpant: Sure but what did you think about when you did that?

Me: That I had no chance against a dragon.

Serpant: You are an idiot.

Stain: He kinda has a point tho.

Me: Plus less hero for the future.

Stain: They were little assholes anyways.

Me: How did you know that?

Stain: I have my eyes on every hero and hero in training.

Me: Even UA?

Stain: Yes, why?


I really need that later!

Me: Huh.... How is class 1A?

Serpant: Don't you dare to try evade the main topic.

Me: I would never.

Serpant: USAGI!

Me: Fine!

Serpant: What happened?

Me: So I got the job done and was on my way out.

Stain: Chaised out and caught by cameras.

Me: Was the least of my worries.

Stain: You are lucky you managed that they couldn't really get you on them clearly.

Me: What did they caught?

Serpant: A kid running being dressed all in black and red and covered in blood.

Me: What about my features?

Serpant: Not much since you are always on the edge of their sight. Clever but you should really try to avoid them completly.

Me: What did you think I wanted to do?

Serpant: They now know that you are a kid and they managed also to count one and one.

Me: Which means?

Stain: They know it was you with the hospital.

Me: That bad?

Stain: It even worse. They are trying to find out who you are and they have a range of age they put you in.

Serpant: Listen they are dangerously close on finding out who you really are.

This is bad but... what can they do?

I am offically dead after all!

Nothing they can find out and thank god the cameras just got me on the edge of their periferals... it could have ended soo badly for me as well.

Me: I am dead. They will not have a lot of luck there.

Serpant: Just be careful from now on.

Me: I will.

Something told me that this talk was far, very very far from over. It may just be me or the fact that all of us managed to drink up everything we had so we had to go and get some more. For me it was tea for serpant same thing and Stain was the coffee guy. So we made a jar for each of us and then came back to sit down looking at each other. 

I may or may not be tired but this was not the time for it.

Serpant: Now lay your cards on the table Usagi. No holding back.


Now is the tiiiimeee~

Gosh this will be fun!

Let's do it!

Where do I start tho...

The runaway...

No, they know about it...AH


I know!

Me: You want to know what happened.... sooo.... let me tell you a great story.

I was smiling like a mad man again and I knew how bad it was but oh well.... nothing I could do about it. Something about the faces they made, just made me happy. It was the fear in their eyes that I loved soo much. Now that it was over it was just a nice story to tell and that was my story as well.

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