New found Respect

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After our little breakfast and the small chit chat, where I found some funny things about Serpants and Stain past out, we decided to talk about funny things and continue to have the mood stuck in the air. It was just good to smile and laugh. Honestly it was really important to be cheery when thinking about what lies ahead of us. Seriously there was nothing worse than anxiety and the uncertainty of the future. I gathered soo many information by now that I knew it will be alright but who was guaranteeing me that it really would be fine? That everything will work out? That no one would get hurt? And more importantly that my family would stand and not fall apart due to one member missing...

I could only hope and pray and do my part.

Serpant: Soo how was it?

Me: Mh?

Serpant: I mean dealing with the guy.

Me: Oh pretty easy.

Stain: But got caught hahahaha.

Me: No, I was walking back home when he was just there.

Serpant: How did you deal with him?

Me: Head shot.

Serpant: Her?

Me: Shot her but also cut her a bit.

Serpant: I told you to make it quick.

Me: I know but I wanted to leave some misleading tracks.

Serpant: Misleading?

Stain: Tracks?

Me: Yeah, I found some documents about another building but this time it's for the hero commission.

Stain: The hero commission is doing another building?

Me: Training center a bit outside of the city, yes. 

Serpant: Let me guess, you made it obvious that people came in for that?

Me: Yup but I also topped it off making it look like he was kinda working with the bad people.

Serpant: I am proud of you.

Stain: Same here!

Me: Prais me more hahahaha

Serpant: Pffff-

Stian: Damn kid, is this a rare occasion?

Me: Kinda plus I did a really neat job.

Stain: Except running away.

Me: Yeah yeah....

Serpant: It's good that they will think that we are not after the USJ building.

Stain: But do you think Nezu will be fooled as well?

Serpant: I don't know. They might tighten up security.

Me: It still will be perfect for us.

Stain: You still wanna do it?

Me: Of course.

Serpant: Got what you need?

Me: Yes. I made him write the mail but as I was looking over the shoulder, I saw that it was actually a tool where he had to change some data inside.

Serpant: It will be a bit suspicious if the police or anyone tries to back track what he was doing last.

Me: Ah! I knew I forgot something...

Serpant: It's too late to change anything.

Me: Is it also too late to say that he is actually on vacation after yesterday?

Serpant: He is?

Stain: How do you know that?

Me: I saw the rest of the week being marked on the huge calender on my way out. So I guess it's him taking a breather so no one will suspect him going missing.

Serpant: I was also listening in about new found crime scenes.

Stain: Same here but I didn't hear anything.

Serpant: Same result.

Stain: They didn't found them yet.

Serpant: We can't be sure! Maybe they are hiding it from us.

Stain: True.... what does your mole say about it?

Serpant: They are already on edge about Ryukyu that they are not looking into anything else at the moment.

Me: WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE! You have a mole?

Stain: You didn't tell him?

Serpant: No, there was no reason to do so.

Me: You seriously gonna tell me you have a mole?

Serpant: Yes but he is a bit complicated. 

Me: Tell me more!

This was how I for the very first time heard about a police officer they can bribe because he was a filthy bitch. Well he was power hungry and apparently they exchange some valuable information for some cases. Like I already knew that Serpant decides who has their freedom and who are in jail but I didn't think it would be to such an extend. 


Just wow...

I now had a completly new form of respect towards this man.

Serpant: He is a dangerous guy and I don't like associating with him. 

Stain: True he could rat you out for his own good.

Serpant: Which is why I am always sending someone... but this time I would rather not. He will find out about our connection.

Stain: Ah! I forgot. He would use everyone despite the danger to gain what he wants.... damn it.

Me: Guess better we don't use him then.

Serpant: Yes. He would be a problem.

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