I ahm... sorry?! What did you expect?

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The next morning, believe it or not someone dared to sneek up on me. I mean that was probably the stupides idea ever. Who in their right mind sneaks up to a villain anyways? That just screams death wish. Not even Serpant does this. However Stain decided he had to do that.

So while I was sleeping, I felt a presence coming closer and you know me... I am not one to sleep without anything at all and be this vulnerable. I mean... I am a fucking villain. Who in their right mind does that anyways? As much as I felt save and loved it to be here and with Serpant, I for sure didn't trust the security of this house. Besides even if something happened, it was not like me and Serpant had a bond between each other that I could say "Yes, that is my parter! He always has my back". Tho I did feel as if he for sure would have my back. There was just no telling for sure and better save than sorrry after all.

In the end what happened was this... and I am still not regretting it. Not ONE bit at all.... so he started to come closer to me and I kinda did feel it. Don't ask how. I don't know. Call it a sixth sense or something. I just felt someone come over and since normally no one would do that and back in the orphanage I did sometimes had that just to get a bucket of cold water dumped over me. Over time I kinda developed this sense but that is not important right now.

I felt him coming closer and grabbed my dagger which was right below my pillow and already kinda in my hand since I would sleep with one hand below my pillow. Anyways, I grabbed it and threw it to the direction I felt someone approaching as well as jumped out of my bed to grab the second dagger which was laying right next to where I was sleeping on the floor.


The moment I heard the voice, I dropped my dagger and well should I run or should I hide?

That was the only question in my mind. Thankfully Serpant came into the room the moment he heard that small scream of pain which was more like a surprised scream than anything else.


Stain: Woke up the kid.


Serpant: Why is there a goddamn dagger in your shoulder, brother?

Stain: He is quick... and never wake him up.

Serpant: You are an idiot sometimes.


Serpant: Why would you wake him up in the first place?

Stain: How about taking him with me?

Me: .... Someone explain and someone give me some GODDAMN TEA ALREADY! It's to fucking morning for this shit.

Stain: ....

Serpant: *sigh* I'm doing the tea....

Stain: Ama go and treat my wound... but kiddo, good aim and good reactions you have there.

Me: You shouldn't be the one being proud of me right now.

Serpant: Agree with that.

Me: Should I help you treat your wound?

Stain: Nah, this is just childs play.

That was what he said but little did he know that my aim was deadly accurate thanks to my very own quirk and it was in fact a place where you could actually make someone bleed out. So in this case this was really NOT childs play anymore. If this would be a scratch then if he wanna calls it that way fine but not this wound. This was not that simple nor was it that undeadly or not life threatning.

Me; Yeah... about that.....

Serpant: Brother, turn around and let me see this.

They both were walking out of the room while I was left alone standing and watching them talk. Of course Serpant could immediately tell that this wound was not NOT that deadly and decided to take his brother with him into the kitchen. It took a couple of more minutes for me to wake up completly.

Me: The fuck just happened?

Did I really just injure Stain... THE STAIN... because he woke me up...

Should I go apologise?

It was not my fault tho...

Why would he even wake me up?

This is sus....


How late is it anyways?

There were no clocks in the room but when I went to the window and pulled the curtain back, I could see why he would actually wake me up. I could see the sun setting again....

The underworld might be just called this way but the truth was... it was just a section of a district where law enforcement gave up on. What most heroes besides underground heroes don't know is that the further you go into the district, which was forgotten thanks to a villain attack and it not being renovated, you could find some good buildings, stable ones where all the business was held and there was their very own square and some streets. Call it a small secret city inside a city. Life here was just different and I knew it.

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