No time to chit chat!

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No running away, I knew that much. There was nothing that could make me run away from the hero and nothing that could stop him from catching me. He was a lot faster and I was sure that he had it in himself to actually go after me and get me. His quirk was still something else but I knew it like the back of my hand. He was once a hero I admired till I stopped thinking about heroes and instead look at the villains more and more. 

Me: OHHH MY GOD! All Might THE All Might! I am a huge fan!

This was one of the things I picked up. Back in my times I used to fake my whole personality and I was about to do it again to get an opening. 

All Might: Did you do this all?

Me: Do I look as if I have a gun on me?

All Might: No.

Me: Then it can't be me.

All Might: I need you to put your weapons down. 

Me: I don't have one in my hands....

All Might was approaching me slowly but I hated it. This didn't looked good for me and it didn't quite made it better that I was approaching this man as well. 

I got 10 minutes...

I have to make it count!

Without waiting for long, the moment when he was in quite the good reach, I took the sword from my back and started running at All Might. Of course I knew that he would wait for me to be close to him before trying either to grab me or to do one of his smashes. I wouldn't let it happen.

Alright, now watch for his body language...

Will he grab me?

Will he do a smash or will he do something else?

What is he gonna do?


I saw it! It was there. It was a split second of time but my quirk was letting me see it. All the openings were there but the thing was, I saw All Mights movement a lot clearer with the sword in my hand. I saw that he was about to grab me and threw myself to the ground, sliding right next to him and using the sword to cut him slightly.

Next thing I did was jump to my feet and needed to do a flip to the side. There he was. His arm was trying to reach for me but at that time I was in the air jumping away. For a small second again, I saw the opening on his shoulder and stabbed him. This time I didn't had enough time to pull the sword out before dodging again and evading his fists. 

All Might: YOU!

He was gettina angry and annyoed. I may be just a kid but I could do a lot of damage. I prooved it a long long time ago and I would live it.

Now jumping a few feets away, I landed and watched All Might grab the sword and pull it out as well as break it in half.

I soo need to apologize to Stain for this later...

It was such a nice sword as well...

I don't think you can even repair it at this point...

Yeah no...

The blade is done.

All Might: Why are you-

Me: If you have the time to chat then you have the time to fight as well.

I just had 10 minutes. There was really no time to spare at all. So I grabbed my daggers before starting to run at All Might again. This time he was coming at me again. He was quite fast, even faster than Stain but I could still see his movements. Maybe it was because I was using my quirk to the fullest or it was the adrenalin in my veins. Who knows why but I could see it all. I could see his very movements, the flaws and the openings and I was sure to use them all.

Good that I did that video earlier...

I am sure Bakugo has his quirk...

He even didn't deny it.

So there is no use in keeping him alive...

What better title then the symbol of peace killer.

I like it.

Just thinking about saying it out loud made me smile. The symbol of peace killer had such a nice ring to it and it was melting like butter on my toungue as well. Yes. This was perfect. It was the best name people come up but I would still prefer to be called a bloody rabbit, the Usagi. Nonetheless who was I to deny such a worthy title?

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