One of us!

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When I woke up, I had a blanket over me and was kinda sleeping really nicely in position that is not saying I flopped on the bed and not only that but I had definitelly more than one cusion because I was hugging the one that was under my head for sure. Sometimes I just loved to steal my very own cushion away from me. It felt nice having something to hug and it was having my warmth now so I didn't really liked to stand up or move at all. This was how I just was laying around for a bit. 

Sooo cozy!

When did I get in the bed completly tho...

Was this Serpant or Stain....

I say this was Serpant.

Well thanks!

This is soo much better than how I flopped and it is soo warm.

Where did you get the fluffy blanket from?

Still soo nice!

If I knew we had a fluffy blanket, I would have taken it earlier.....


I flopped with my clothes on.

Oh shit!

Serpant soo gonna be scolding me in the morning for being bloody in my bed.

Serpant: Told ya to go sleep and that sleep is important. How are you feeling?

Talking about the devil and he may appear.

Me: Dead but also alive at the same time.

Serpant: Just sleep some more than.

Me: So that you can tell me later, you said so?

Serpant was at the door looking at me and I think he just saw me move so he came over since I remember I didn't close the door at all. 

Serpant: Hahahahahaha

Me: No thank you besides I will feel a lot better with a cup of tea.

Uhh what I would give for the cup of tea in his hands....

It looks nice.

It smells nice...

I soo want some tea...

Serpant: Isn't it good that I got you some.

Me: How did you know that I will wake up?

Serpant: You slept 12 hours... it was about time.

Me: Huh...

Serpant: Here.

With that he came over and handed me my tea which I gladly took. Not only that but the man came over to sit right next to me and watch me still hugging my little cushion as dear as I had my life. It was warm and it was cozy and it was just everything that could make you not wanna leave the room or the bed or move at all.

Can't believe the tea was for me....

Ah this is soo nice.

Tho is this something like my last meal before he kills me for dirtying the bed?

I mean I am pretty much covered with blood... it is definitelly not fresh anymore but still....

Serpant: Stain went out earlier. I thought you might want to know that.

Me: Not really but where did he go?

Serpant: He had his own reasons and said he gonna fix something.

Me: huh...

Serpant: You never actually told us if the LOV dared to lay a finger on ya?

Me: No. They couldn't.

Serpant: Threatened you?

Me: Tried but there is no way they could succeed with that. Let's be honest here.... would you threaten me without fearing for your life?

Serpant: no.

Me: Are you not gonna say anything about me just dropping on the bed dirty? I know you are a neat picker and a clean freak-AAAAAUTCH!

That slap over the back of my head was soo called for. I could have said it a lot nicer but nooo. I decided to rip the bandage without any hesitation. But from what I could see, he was not angry at all but did this to get my attention and I did overexerted. It didn't hurt at all. 

Serpant: You needed the sleep more and I could get a new cover easily.

Me: Let me guess.... you moved me?

Serpant: After you nearly fell down.

Me: I did?

Serpant: Yeah... besids you stole your own cushion... twice.

Me: I did?

Serpant: Yeah I came to check on ya a couple of times.

Me: Thanks.

Serpant: No problems.

Me: Sooo what now?

Serpant: What you mean?

Me: You know more about this, don't you?

Serpant: In this case, no and I want you to know that we will always back you up. You are one of us.

Me: Thanks... I probably will need that.

Serpant: Doesn't sound good.

Me: Well I have a plan but let's talk after this tea.

Serpant: Sure and get your shower too.

Me: Mh.

He ruffled my head and then left the room so I could slowly wake up bit by bit and enjoy this wonderful tea in my hand. 

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