The job is done!

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Slowly but surely I started to approach door by door. Of course I looked up which room she was in before I started walking off to the doors. Before anyone asks, I also got myself a syringe from the medic desk right at the front. There was really no need to let anyone thing that this was an accident with all the blood around but I also didn't wanted the woman to feel a lot of pain because let's be honest she definitelly suffered enough under Endeavor.


Everything is set.

Now just walk into this room and give her this and done.


This is it.

At least she shouldn't be in pain with this.

Better than cutting her open.


Tho the blood would look good on her for sure. 

Can't say anything against that.

Plus the scenery is quite nice like this.

Around me were laying bodies on the floor and the people were screaming and begging to release them. To top it off, my whole body was a bit covered in blood, not my own but splashes of the blood from the people I killed in a hurry. I was even leaving footprints while I was walking around. It was this much blood which was lying around and I loved it. The smell, the view just everything. It was perfect. There was really nothing I could and would change.

Once I got to the room where I knew Rei would be staying at, I knocked at the door before basically destroying it with a good kick. After that I just entered with a smile. 

Me: Hello there Miss Rei~

Rei: Who are you?

Me: I am sure you know that based by how I look like right now.

Rei: .... Who send you?

Me: I don't know but I honestly don't think it was your husband but someone who hates that guy.

Rei: I see....

Talking about a calm person.

Wow this woman is really calm. 

I thought she would scream around or try and fight me but nope.

Looks like she expected this to happen.

Oh whelp this makes it just easier for me.

Me: I promise this will not hurt.

Rei: Can you at least carry out a note.

Me: Depends.

Rei: Can you please write on the wall with my own blood, this is all your fault my dear husband?

Me: You want me to write in your blood?

Rei: Yes.

Me: Alright.


But I do get why.

If she gonna die already then she might as well make the life of that piece of shit worse.

I would have done the same.

This really is not too bad.

Me: Anything else?

Rei: No just know that I will not resent you.

Me: Huh?

As if I cared about that shit.

What you gonna do haunt me?

Ghosts don't exists or I would be dead by now.

Rei: You seem young just like my son.

Okay this was a bit weird since she should not know who I was nor reall how I look like. Based on what she just said, I was thinking that she could estimate my age based on my heigh but also the way I act and speak. One could also just say it is her mothers instinct that was telling her that. Oh well whatever it is, it sure took me back.

Me: Please lay down on your bed. This won't hurt.

She did as I said and I gave her the syringe which was basically filled with a very very strong sedative which in an overdose could kill people. As of for her next request, I really didn't wanted to do it but now, I was just contemplating how I should cut her.

Should I just use other peoples blood?

She did say she wanted it to be her blood.

Oh well whatever!

With that, I decided to take out the dagger and cut open her chest which was not the best option but I could now easily just dip my hands there and do a wall painting. Good that I was wearing gloves and I really loved this shit by now because I was grinning just knowing I had blood all over my hands. This was really a good feeling.

Me: Alright.

I think this will do!

Of course I went after her wish and wrote her last words down while of course also doing my own little touch to the room meaning I put some hand marks and some more cutting her. Tho the latter ended up in nearly skinning her at the chest area instead of just cutting it. Oh well, it wasn't as if I didn't took out her organs and put it on display or had her covered in a white sheet which quickly was dipped in red with her hands holding her heart.


She looked peaceful in my opinion.

Okay now...

Let's just use fire staircase and dip.

Just like that I went back home to Serpant after I finished the job.

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