One of the best moments in life...

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Serpant: Pffff-

I don't know when but apparently at some point Serpant was leaning against the door and watching us. The moment we heard him snicker was the moment me and Stain looked at each other and grinned. Yes we had something in mind and even if I was rolled up in a blanket didn't quite mean that I couldn't nod and agree to it.

Serpant: No!

Stain: Ah come on.

Serpant: I know that look in your face and I said no.

Stain: It won't hurt you and the little bunny agrees with me.

Serpant: How could you!

Me: Pffff-hahahahahaha

Stain: Sorry brother.

That was the last thing Stain said before throwing a cushion at Serpants face and then went down laughing. We already had soo much fun he didn't really had to do that but it made the whole thing even more funnier especially because Serpant let it happen. Oh and he also grabbed the cushion and chucked it back at Stain making him fall before he bursted out laughing. Then there was me on the bed completely rolled up and laughing like a maniac. How much I enjoyed this right now. This was certainly one of the best moments.

Serpant: Had enough fun?

Stain: Yes.

Me: Yup.

Serpant: Good now get out of bed and let's eat something together.

Me: alright.

Stain: Now you are getting up?

Me: He said food and with food comes tea. That's common sense.

Stain: Huh...

Serpant: You should have taken a cup of tea with you when you went to wake him up.

Stain: You could have told me!

Serpant: And miss something this glorious? Ahh no, I don't think so.

Stain: Arg... sometimes you are to much brother.

Serpant: Likewise brother.

I tried to get out of the blanket but soon found myself a bit of a jeopardy. Stain had to wrap me up wayy too tightly so I couldn't really get out of the fluffy blanket and instead robbed a bit around like a damn caterpilla. Next thing I know I fell off the bed and hit the ground. It was cushioned and didn't hurt as much since I was actually still wrapped up but ahm... problem was how was I supposed to get out.

Serpant: Pfff-

Stain: Need a helping hand?

Me: Do I look like that?

Serpant: Nope. You seem fine to me.

Me: Don't joke around! I soo need help!

Stain: But you are kinda cute like this bunny or should I now call you a caterpillar.

Me: Stop it!

Stain: HAHAHAHAHA revenge is mine!

Me: You! Come on help me out!

Serpant: Ahh sheesh Stain, let him go and help him up before he does something to you in return.

Me: Thank you!

Stain: You sure about this?

Serpant: Do you want to wake up with a surprise?

Stain: I gladly pass on that.

Serpant: Then help him out. Look at how he is glaring at ya already.

Me: Just get me out. I am getting hungry.

Stain: Ohh nooo it's a hungry Caterpillar! HAHAHAHAHA

Although I was glaring at Stain, I was also laughing from the inside. this was a bit funny and they were enjoying this as well so it was okay staying like this for a bit more. Thankfully Stain did help me out and we all went to get some food. 

Is this how it feels like to eat with family?

To laugh with them enjoy every minute?

If this is how it feels, I don't want anything to change again.

This is nice...

Funny enough it took Stain a bit to unwrap me and he even managed to get himself wrapped up a bit so that Serpant had to help before we could go eat. We were chaos, we were laughing, enjoying, smiling and fooling with each other. It was just one of the perfect moments where you could forget about everything else and just be who you are. 

This time when we got to the breakfast table there was not a banquet but just something simple as I was used to it. Plus a lot of tee. Exactly how I enjoyed it and a lot of coffee for Stain. Perfect little morning or noon to me. People would call us insane since it was midnight but hey I was nocturnal and this was noon for me.

Besides I was enjoying my life!

Everything was perfect right now and honestly I wish this moment would last forever.

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