Meet the crewmates... too bad one imposter!

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Serpant drove me to the closest location to the USJ building without getting seen. I appreciated it a lot since it gave me just about 10 minutes of a walk. Stain was already supposed to be on standby and just watching. Only if something would go uterly wrong was he to intervene this early. For now this wasn't the case. Then again I had an earbud which was also directly connected to the two dangerous brothers who were there for me. Ama straight up say best backup ever. Well I do fear what would happen if anything was about to go wrong but that was another topic.

Now that I had everything and a sport bag with me, I started walking towards the USJ building and soon found the other guys waiting there.

Talking about bad timing. 

They shouldn't even be here....

I should be the first one...

Why are they here...

This is not planned...

Good that Serpant saw this coming.

Crew 1: Ohh look! I can't believe we have this little people to get a kid involved.


Let's put on a great act of being annoyed and making them hell if they dare to say something against it.

Me: Who are you calling a kid?! 

Crew 2: Ohh spicey!

Me: Want me get your damn burned ass over to the HR and make then fire you?!

Crew 6: Relx guys! Let's listen first!

Crew 5: We are 6 people and Morgan is late! 

Me: That's why I am here.

They all looked soo puzzled when I said that. No one knew why a kid was here and honestly I would act the same. But! The night prior Serpant and I were talking about this possibility. No one knew if I would be the first one inside or the drill of the security team. I was about half an hour earlier than the due time and they all were already gathered up. 

Anyways the night prior I remember us two talking about this and the best choice of action was to say that I got called in cause they couldn't reach Morgan. I knew the guys name and I could easily pull this off because why else would you know the guys name. It was a bit of common sense which we put into the equation. Something about the line of, the job has to be done, time and the stress everyone would have. So we were basically coming up with a plan that these guys would accept.

Crew 2: Screw the headquarters!

Me: HEY! If you have the time to fuck around, grab us ass of the ground and get moving!

Crew 3: Who  the heck are you?

Me: Stanly Jones, I am Morgan Sheperts substitute and don't think because of my youth quirk that you can fucking get away with things.

Crew 4: A youth quirk? Ohh damn! Someone got the jackpot.

Me: You think being stuck in this underaged body is a jackpot princess?

Crew 4: No Sir!


Look at how tense they are now!


I didn't think this would work.

It was at this moment that I felt that I had them all under my command. I mean it was quite funny to see them stand up all still and tense looking at me and letting me pass to the entrance where I opened it with the keycard I had.

Me: You all need a private invitation?

Crew: No Sir.

Me: You know the drill, kids are gonna get inside later. We have to make everything clear. After that get out. 

Crew: Yes Sir!

Me: I am needed to be inside by request so you guys leave whenever you are done.

Alright... now that I have said everything that needs to be said...

I should first go make sure they know where to work on and then go dip...

That was the last thing I said to them before I got inside, lead them to an area where I knew exatly that the security was lack and had to be fixed. After that I started to oversee them for a bit before leaving them all be and get to my own position for later on.  

Thank god that they didn't really questioned me....

This could have been soo ugly to the point where I would have killed them and called Serpant to get rid of the bodies...


This was just way too close..

But thank god these idiots fell for  he act.

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