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Owner: So you gave up?

Me: That is also not the case.

Owner: Then what?

It might be foolosh what I'm about to do next but this was certainly more fun then just kill this man. Even tho it would make me more trouble this was really the way of having soo much more fun. You know I would rather tell him what was going on.

Me: Here catch!

I threw the head over to the owner while also dashing towards him. This owner was defnitely way to focused on the head to see me charge at the man. This was his own end but who was I to judge at all. Everything could change. There was something gliterring in the air and I could see it very well. Thin lines which glitered that reminded me of a spider web could be seen.

So this is puppetier.

Good quirk really...

Too bad that this won't do him any good at all.

Ama kill him quicker than he can react.

Owner: Very good!

That was all he said but I was already on the move and cut through one of the lines. They were all around the man and I could see them to closer I got. Too bad for me that they were pretty sharp as well. So the moment I really came closer and thought I could dodge one but kinda tocuhed it too, I had a caut on my face. I mean I just cut through it and thought they would just go down and not move towards me. The blood that ran down my face made me more angry and right about now, I invreased my speed and decided to go in for a straight kill.

I really had enough of this man. He never intended to let me go in the first place and seeing all the lines around himself and me was the proof for that.


So this is why they say never trust the words of anyone in the underground.

Too bad!

You shouldn't trust me either!

Thankfully this man had a reaction time of a dead cat. He was fast that I had to give him since the strings around him increased in an instant but he was still to slow to block or make the manikens attack me. Before he could do that at all, I already had my dagger piercing through one of his vital points.

Don't get me wrong.

I could have killed him in an instant but I decided to go for a vital point which would let him live just aobut 5 more minutes but he was defnitelly not able to attack out of pain and bloodlose.

Me: You know what?

Looking at the man, I grabbed the head and showed the face to the shop owner.

Me: This isn't the right guy and to top it off, I made a better deal~

I was smiling soo damn much that my cheeks started to hurt a bit. Yeah this was the right way to do things especially if this man wanted to kill me despite the fact that I would keep hold to my barging. Villains that is what they were. Morals doesn't exist in this world and what was right and what was wrong was also something that was not of normal standards.

Me: Oh don't mind me if I do~

This is for trying to go after me!

A stab to his shoulder and the man screamed out in pain. Oho was this maybe too much? Nope, not at all. This man wanted to kill me after all. There was no way I would let him live after trying to get my back and be like a viper. Oh no. I was the deadly predator here, not him and he had to learn it.

Me: You know what is even better?~

Me: No?~

Another stab to his other shoulder. I really was enjoying this right now.

Me: Isn't this dagger beautiful~ I got it from the one you wanted to kill me! He promised me to give me more for killing you!

That was all I said and seeing the reaction was priceless. I loved it. The eyes went wide and the man looked as if he just saw a ghost. Oh yeah... most people don't expect a 16 year old boy to be this cruel or even this skilled. Their fault not mine. As I said never ever make the mistake of underestimating your opponent at all.

Me: So here I am coming for your head.

Me: Nothing against you... or scratch that. I have everything against you and your petty tricks!

Just like that, I ended my game and served the head of this person. After this I basically got out of the shop hopping down the street with a head in my hands. Of course I was now completly ignoring the fact that everyone was looking at me or that I was basically grabbing the head by his hair. The man was dead and didn't had any choice but accept it anyways.

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