Triggering red flags on a hero!

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Since I had a solid disguise, I decided to actually head out to the school prelimiters and look at the high walls. Now all I needed was actually a way inside without people knowing but the more I looked at it the more it seems as if that would be impossible. So I quickly gave up the idea about just klimbing over the damn shit. 

Now how realistic was it that I could trails an animal?


In the end I also had to give up that idea and with that I was completly out of option and wandering around close by the school but also a bit away so that I don't seem suspicious at all. If I could hack that would be the best idea ever but I couldn't hack and the next closest place filled with information besides hacking was actually the library. Even though I doubted that I would even find something usefull there but then all of the sudden a really really stupid idea popped up in my mind and I went straight to the gate of the school where there was a pannel for the ID card so that the door would open but also a ring button. So I pressed that button and waited till I could hear a voice.

Someone please hit me...

This is a stupid idea.

If I get inside then what?!

How am I about to get out again?

???: How can I help you?

Me: I kinda am a bit lost and wandering around that area for a bit... I was hoping you could maybe tell me the way to a library.

No one gonna believe me that... 

It is such an obvious lie but I need informations!

I was soo not wrong since I was sure that whoever just picked up could see me wandering around the school for a bit already and I did loooked quite clueless since I was thinking about how to get all informations.

???: Of course I can. Please enter-

That would be bad!

I don't want to run into any hero who could actually find out who I was.

I mean I am wearing makeup and also have my hair dyed but still...

This can end up bad for me.


I can't believe this even worked!

Me: oh no no no. No need for that, Just tell me which direction to go.

Come on!

Let me inside...

I know that I am triggering all kind of warning flags inside your head right now...

A ragged and shy kid who can't look up...

What else can you do then pitty a child like this and open up to check on them?

I definitelly have to get away before he put me for a real check up.


He does take his sweet time about right now.

Nothing came from the speaker anymore and I was a bit perplexed what to do next. The stupid idea I had was quite simple. I was wearing some shady clothes which Stain just had laying around and then there was the fact that I didn't had a school bag nor an uniform on me while it was clearly the time to be inside a school. So to make it short, I definitelly looked like a case of abuse including all the heavy makup that I had to actually cover my freckles.

I hoped that as a hero he would actually let me get inside and also let me talk to him. I know what crazy and fucked up plan this was but it was the easiest thing to do right now. 

Me: Ahm Hello?


Let's actually get a bit away from here...

This definitelly won't work.

I mean there must be a reason for him being this quiet.

Maybe it is because he will open the door?


He called the police.

Nothing came back at me and I started to fidget around on my shirt before turning and starting to leave but that was exactly when the door opened behind me. My Cheshire smile was soo visible on my face and it took me a second to compose myself again and turn around to see no other but a stuffed animal standing there and moving.

I can't believe this sooo worked...


Is that a robo clone?

This is not him is it?

I mean I heard some things but never saw him before....

Kinda cute.

I wonder if I can skin him and then use his pelt for something good?

???: Please come in.

Me: Ahm, sorry but I really shouldn't. I was just-

???: You don't seem well child. At least come inside and rest for a bit.

Me: But I really shouldn't, I will get in trouble if I am late.

???: Don't worry about it. This is UA and I am the principal, a bear mouse dog thing.

It was at that moment that my stomach started grumbeling at me and I knew that it was growling quite loudly because Nezu started laughing soo hard in the nect moment. Somewhat embarassing but what should I say, I just got a very quick breakfast meaning I just chucked down some tea. 

Nezu: How about we get you prepared and you can go back?

Me: ... That... I would appreaciate that.

All the while I really was just playing a perfect role of a shy and mistreated kid. There was nothing bad about fooling some heroes and I knew exactly that because of how skinny I looked and then adding up everything else that everyone and I mean everyone would think that I get beaten up as well as mistreated and bullied. 

However this was the perfect golden ticked inside to my source of information.

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