Till Death do us appart!

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Me: Where is it?

I started looking all over the place. What I would do next was a bit excesive but it was necessary. I couldn't rsik having kids run all over the place after all. So the simplest solution was either make them all sleepy but that also meant I needed an antidote for that, or lock them all in. It was the most easiest solution at hand.

So after I killed that woman, I went on searching all over the place for a damn key but there was none. I looked up her desk, the wardrobe, the door, beneath the carpet, pretty much everywhere you can put a key.

Where did she hide it.

Don't tell me she has it on her...

Don't make me look up her pockets...

I'll get bloody like this...

You will regret this.

Me: Shit!

There wasn't much time left and I knew that I had a time span of this night to kill everyone efficently without leaving any trace at all. If I wanted to do this or not wasn't an option at this point. I really had to do it if I wanted to get through with it. With heroes around and other people coming in and out of the orphanage now was the best chance to fake my own death.

Now going over to the dead body, I started searching her up and down but there wasn't any key at all. All I ended up doing was covering myself with only more blood.

Me: ARG! Made me touch her unneccesarily too. How disguasting.

But where could she put the key?

Where can it be?

I looked this whole damn place up...

It even looks as if a damn burglery happened here... maybe this is for the better....


Let's trash this place up a bit more.

I was furious because I couldn't find the key and nothing was going according to what I had planned. Just playing with that woman delayed my plans for this evening too. Not as if it was her fault but who was I to admit my own wrong doings anyways.

After starting to just trash up the place more throwing things around, breaking chairs and so on, something flew to the ground and a metallic sound could be heared.

Me: Don't tell me this is the fucking key....

Sometimes I really felt like being ridiculed by life just like now. I mean I was searching this whole place up and only now after I decided to break stuff and throw things around, the key was revealed and even flew to the ground righ into a blood pool. 

Oh great.

More blood on me.

Honestly, at this point I can take a bath in peace.

Since I found the key, there was no need to stay here any longer and so I opened the door and just left that room how it is. Thankfully it was already late and the light was out. That was the only signal for all kids to be in their rooms. It was a good sign since I could now walk around and look them up one by one. Of course I heard them be still awake and chatting but no one really heared the small klicking sound of the door as I looked them all in. 

Me: Now that this is done....

I should get a change and also a quick shower.

I can't get out of here and walk around bloody...

Yeah no.

That is not an option.

I had a tight schedule up since my plan was actually to use some things like oil from the kitchen and cleaning utensils as well as make sure that some things would break and catch fire. It would take me long but a bath time was definitelly needed. Only thing was that my things never looked as good as the other kids stuff. It had to be enough but I was far from satisfied. 

Okay now let's take a shower quickly and finish this job here.

My shower time was only a short one. I mean there was much to do anyways.

Okay oil the floor from the kitchen up the stairs and the whole corridor down.

Oh how happy I am that we are always buying things in large quantities. 

Still this is not nearly enough but enough for a clean line.

Now to make it better let speard some other ingredients around as well like flour.

Oh this will be great. 

It has to be well spread since it catched fire pretty quickly.

Now busy doing my own preparations, I cleaned up all the kitchen as well as some cleaning stuff to make sure this whole house would burn down pretty damn well. After that, I decided to go down to the basement. There was still the fact that when I vanish there is one corpse missing and I had to deal with that. 

How lucky I was that there were soo many bones left down here. It was hard to get them out of the fire place but not impossible. Now all I had to do was make it look like a horror movie. Done!

It is something quite easy considering that I took all the bones I could find out and then placed some in my room and some down the hallway all over the place. 


No one should be able to tell who is missing and who not with this.

The bones are after all enough to count more people in here than what we really are.

Me: HAHAHAHAHA I am a genius!

All that was left and had to be done was lit up a match, open up the stove and also not closing up the fire place downstairs making it look as if that things was the reason why everything burned down. Too bad that it wasn't. I knew that if they would call a fire expert they would know that immediately but that wasn't the issue now. 

Me: Good luck identifying all these people.

Just like that I turned up the stove first, then went down the the basement again and opened it up as well as left it open. I may or may not have just tinkered around the fireplace to make it more dangerous. And of course the last thing I did was go up to the entrance and just throw the match into the oil watching the flames climb up the stair case in an insatnt.


I am out of here!

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