Talkative much?!

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Me: *sigh*

At least the gun was soundless...

This could have ended soo badly...


What am I gonna do with the girl now?


Take her with me or not?

How would I even take her with me?

But on the other hand I could frame him... 


If I frame her?


The detective would for sure find out that something is fishy.

There is no motive why he should do that.

It doesn't make much sense at all.

I was contemplated what to do with the girl but after a while I decided to eliminate her as well. There was nothing good from having her alive. Besides I can't really let her be after seeing me. Then there was also the fact that no matter how much I wanted to frame here there was no real reason for her to do it. That alone would make it even more suspicious.

Me: Thanks for doing it.

Now.... if this is his working room... then there must be some kind of bag laying around where he has his things...


I can ask her!

Yeah let's do this.

Let's make it easy for myself.

Just a quick look around and I couldn't find anything at all. Everything is nearly place and nothing was laying around unnecessarily which made me a bit throwning at the situation. I mean if I don't get an answer it means that I needed to look through everything and I really didn't wanted that.

So in order to make it simple for myself, I went out of the room to the kitchen where the girl was.

Me: Hey Emma?

Emma: Hm?

Me: Can I get a glass of water while your dad is doing his thing?

Emma: Sure.

Me: Thanks.

Emma: I can't believe he forgot something.

Me: It happens to the best.

Emma: I know but recently he is forgetting soo much.

Me: Really?

Emma: YES. Like yesterday he was searching for a pen and had it stick around his ears.

Me: Pffff-hahahahaha

Emma: Not funny.

Me: Kinda is.

Emma: *sigh* You are right but I am really worried.

Me: There is nothing to worry about him.

Well not anymore at least. 

She went over to the kitchen area and it was only now that I saw that this room was an open kitchen with a desk cutting the room into two and then another table being the dinner table. Of course she gave me the water I asked for and I decided to sit there for a minute. She came around the table to sit right opposit to me.

Emma: Do you know anything about work? My dad doesn't want to tell me much.

Me: Just a bit. My dad is working at the USJ building at the moment.

Emma: You mean the universal studio Japan?

Me: No. It is something about a simulation studio for universal things for a hero school.

Emma: Booooring~

Me: Right.

Emma: *sigh* I hope he won't forget his bag this time. Especially when I moved it.

Me: Where did you move it?

Emma: To the door of course. He looked soo tired that I decided to help out. Is your dad the same?

Me: Yup. 

Emma: Dad's really. Sometimes I wish mom was here again.

Me: Meh. I am living with my dad alone and trust me it's also quite nice.

Emma: I know. I love him.

Me: By the way, ... Is there anything you want to be?

Emma: No. I haven't decided yet, why?

Me: This might be your last chance...

Emma: Hm?

Me: Just saying.

Emma: Yeah sure... last chance for what?

Me: Ohh you know... life is quite short.

Emma: Tell me something new. I am worried about my father each and every day when he goes out. He is everything I still have left.

Me: Well enjoy the last moment.

We were both at the table and she continued to eat thinking I was making a joke or something since she laughed it off. The only reason I was not killing her right now was because I wanted her to enjoy the last mean she would have in her life before doing it. It could only be a couple of seconds or a couple minutes till it would all be over. Thanks to her I also knew where to look for his uniform and everything as well. 

Can't believe some people are this talkative...

How can she not be wary?

We don'T even know each other!!!

Is it because she things we are connected over our fathers?

My none existing one?

Or is it because we seem to be the same age...

Whelp whatever...

Me: Thank you.

Emma: For what?

Me: All the information.

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