Look who we have here?!

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Slowly after that bit of surprise I went down and began heading over to the main area where I could see Bakugo at Eraserheads side and I couldn't help it but start clapping at this sight.

Me: Bravo! 

This is quite a sight...

Katuski... THE KATSUKI surrounded by villains...

What a nice sight!

Look at him!

He has no clue what to do...

And look at these villains!

They are scared!

The moment I started clapping, I got their attention and the villains there who were fighting Bakugo to get to Eraserhead all stopped and started backing away some where even running and the whispers where quite loud between them.

???: Usagi... it's Usagi....

???: We are fucked if he is after us.

???: Should we run or play dead...

???: We are fucked.

It was quite nice to see all the villains panic and run away and then there was Bakugo who stepped in front of Eraserhead as if to protect him. Did he realize it was me? Did he still remember me? Does he by now realize that it was me who killed all of them? I did wonder what was going through his mind right now but there was really no way to know besides talking.

Me: Oh Look who we have here?

He looks as if he has no idea who I am...


Look at how clueless he is!


I never seen anyone this chill and confused in a long long time.

Who the heck you think he is?

Bakugo: Who the fuck you think you are?

Me: The nightmare you produced!

Bakugo: What?

He  really has no idea...

I can't believe he forgot me!

No way!


Me: Do you want me to call you Kacchan?!

Bakugo: Wha-

Me: Remember the kid you told is a useless waste of space? Who isn't even worth being a villain?

Bakugo: I didn't-


Now what you wanna say?

Oh I don't care!

I will not listen to you and your stupid things!

I heard enough for years!

Look at where it took me.

Be a villian...

Well you know what?

I took my chances and became one!

Me: Oh no, then who said I should take a swan dive?

Bakugo: Listen-

Me: No, it's too late to listen.

Bakugo: I AM SORRY!

Me: Fuck your sorry. Who you think killed all the people and that thing there?

It was only after I said that, that he started to get into a fighting position but too bad for him that I took the dagger out and was ready for him. I knew I was calling out to Bakugo soo much that he sooner or later had to strike. That was his personallity. He had such a bad temper as well so why wasn't he attacking me by now?

Bakugo: You didn't...

Me: I did... the frog girl, the grapist, Thirteen, the villains here... I did all of this.

Bakugo: You are fucking mental! That's not you!

Oh so you do remember me?!

Too bad I always played nice and had a mask on!

There was not even a single time I didn't had to fake it.

Each time people look at me, I smiled gently where I wanted to rip their heads off!


You never knew who I really ways.

Me: That's me! You never knew who is the real me! You were soo obsessed with getting me out.



Now there it was, the character I knew, the screaming pomeranian and the explosive terrorist.

Bakugo: FUCK YOU! 

That was the last I heard before he came over to fight. He was faster and the punch he wanted to deliver would have hurt but you know what... he was still not as fast as Stain and I would fight with ma brother soo many times. So in the end he was quite unfortunate when I used the dagger and managed to overthrow him by a nice hit in his dace with a stab to the side. It was not a bad stab and I knew that it was more or less just a flesh no organs that I hit but enough to get him down and then stepped on him smiling down at him as well.

Me: Soo how does it feel to be on the ground.

Bakugo: ARRGGG!!!!!

Of course I was stepping on the wound and smiling at him.

How you like it?!

How many times you think I was on the ground?!

How many times I hated this!

I've been in this position and you always laughed at me and never ever let me go!


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