Underestimate me... much?!

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Now that I had two daggers in  my hand, I felt a lighter. Witht them, I didn't had to worry as much as having a sword in my hand. Now I could easily dodge and avoid without problems. This was what I did for the first strike as well. I evaded it and decided to jump back just to lunch forward at the right timing and then stab his hand. Oh he had now a hole in his hand like Jesus who was hung on a cross. Yes, I wanted to make this hero bloody. I wanted to see how much I could do and this was quite fun as well.

Not a signle scream escaped his mouth but I could see him falter as I started to speed up the fight and dodje again his next smack. He indeed wanted to smack me in the face. I couldn't believe it, he definitelly wanted to hit me and smack my cheek. The heck? This hero really dared to try and smack me? Did he think I could handle that with hsi strength? HECK NO!? I would have gotten a concussion for sure. 

Ohh how he would regret doing this.

Now I was getting angry.

At first he was just trying to grab me but after that last move with the sword, it seemed as if he gave up on plaiyng around with me.

Now we would dance a real dance with our quirks.

Mine was powerful on its own. I could see soo much with it and it was making things soo much easier as well. 

Then there was his which was just powerful.

Still I wouldn't let it get to me. 

I could definitelly do it.

I knew that!

Now back to the fight!

After he tried to smack me, which I evaded succesfully, I got behind him and jumped at his back stabbing my dagger as deep as I could right around his spine. This move didn't quite work as I wanted it since he managed to grab me while I was pushing the dagger down into his back. It was definitelly there but a centimeter away from where I wanted it to be. 


Without a warning or even a word, he managed to grab my shoulder and threw me down on the ground. He grabbed me over his shoulder and pulled me away, slaming me down on the ground. My boots may be a bit shock resistant but not my costume so fo course I felt the hit and of course I felt the pain. Not only that but I cought up some blood. I felt it in my mouth... I could taste it but that was it.

I had enough playing around.

All Might: Enough with this.

Me: You are right...

He had me on the ground locked with his foot so I couldn't move away. Keyword was away. I knew already that I didn't had a chance on actually fight this hero. In terms of speed and strength, he cleary was above me with them. However I was more agile and I had definitelly more brains than him.

All Might: Give up Villain!


My sudden outburst must have confused him but that was enough time for me to reach for the gu that Serpant had prepared for me with the blade. I honestly didn't wanted this but I had no other choice now than to use it. 

My own ego wanted me to killl All Might the old fashioned way but that was not something I could with this child body. I was still too weak for it. No matter how many times I would stab him, I was fighting a losing battle here and with 10 minutes left on the stake, there was no way I could go at this hero up front. Maybe if I had time to prepare a plan then I had a chance but like this, no. I knew this was well.

Me: Goodbye All Might.

He couldn't act as quickly as I grabbed that gun and shot his heart. It was too late for him. He watched me struggle and yes I did make it seem as if I was just struggeling but in fact I was grabbing the gun to shot him. 

Gosh was I lucky that he didn't fall over me but backwards and not only that but I didn't shot only his heart but completly cleared my magazin on him. I was angry and even after he went down, I stood up and started shooting his face and his chest to feel a lot better.

Serpant: KIDDO!

It was only Serpants voice that got me back to my senses.

I need to get out... ASAP!

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