Some Ohana Shit!

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We stayed there at the table after everything was finished without saying a word for a couple of minutes and looking at each other. I could tell that Serpant was trying to actually find some answers in me but I didn't had any for him. There was just nothing I could tell him that could make him less worry. I knew what he wanted to hear was that everything would be fine and that I didn't wanted to intervene maybe even that I will go around my way or leave this city and be like Stain always wondering around. 

But no.

I couldn't tell him that and I had a feeling he knew that as well. It was soo obvious that he was worried about me. The way he acted the whole day after I got back from the LOV and the way he was looking at me, he took extra care about me. This breakfast was proof of this. He would never go all out like this if it wouldn't be a distraction for himself and maybe for myself as well.

Serpant: So what's your brilliant idea?

Me: I want to be there at USJ building.

Serpant: And that is a good idea how?


Honestly at this point nothing is a good idea but I can't just run away and hide!

Me: I told you already. I want to payback Shiggy a debt I owe him.

Serpant: Mh. I still can't see how this a good idea.

Because it isn't!

It isn't even a plan yet!

But I have to do something.

Best outcome would be... no witness left...

Worse outcome they get me and put me in some kind of rehabilitation program or some shit because I am still not the right age for prison.

Tho do they discriminate in age when sending someone off?

I don't know...

Oh wait!

I could actually land six feet under as well and on All for Ones radar...

I am sure he wouldn't mind if I get rid of his little pawns and then just dip...

Bad idea...

I need to do something about it!

Me: Alright, look I will be there hiding and just being a sniper.

Serpant: You, a sniper?

Me: Yes.

Serpant: Do you even know how to shoot with a long range gun?

Me: I do.

Serpant: Let me guess... your quirk?

Me: Yup.

Serpant: Alright, not argue there but the moment you hit the trigger everyone will hear the gun shot and they will know that you are there.

Me: That is if they can hear it.

Serpant: ....

Me: Pretty please!

Serpant: *sigh*

Me: You have the best weapons there is! I know you have one for sure which doesn't make any sounds!

Serpant: I do... but that is expensive.

Me: Meh. I can pay you for it with the money Shiggy gave you for the last mission I did.

Serpant: Fine.

Me: Cool! 

Serpant: Still how do you want to get into the building or get out once hell breaks lose?

Me: In is a bit of a question and out... well I hoped I can hide somewhere and wait it out.

Serpant: And you think that will work?

Me: Probably not.

Serpant: You got that right. Now do you even have a plan?

Me: Not a complete one. 

Serpant: And we are talking about this ... for what reason again.

Me: Because I will do it no matter what you say.

Serpant: ....

Me: You can't stop me from doing it. 

Serpant: ....

Me: And you know that he will find a reason for me to join them.

Serpant: I know that much. Even if I hate to agree with you there.

Me: See.

Serpant: Anyways, that plan of yours is still soo rough and underdeveloped.

Me: I know. I know.

Serpant: Do you have any clues what he wants to do?

Me: I know that he is recruiting villains since he asked me.

Serpant: You are right about that.

Me: Do you know more?

Serpant: Matter of fact, everyone knows about it by now.

Me: Everyone? How?

Serpant: The LOV put up an offical recruiting sign everywhere for an attac on the USJ building and eliminating some heroes in training.

Me: What an idiot.

Serpant: Says the one who wants to break in as well...

Me: Come on! I am not that stupid to get in there without a plan.

Serpant: Then how about we make a plan together.

Me: Together?

Serpant: Yes.

Me: As in you gonna help me?

Serpant: Yes.

Me: Why?

Serpant: You heard our brother Stain. You are part of the family now.

Me: ....

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