Meh, I am still proud of it!

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Serpant: What? You want me to pryce such a foolish act as well?

Me: No...

Serpant: Then you are a damn moron.

Me: Why tho?

Serpant: You seriously asking me why?

Me: Yes.

Serpant: You left hand prints and footprints there for sure.

Handprints yes...


Wouldn't be so sure about that... plus I had gloves on even tho I hate them.

So I was careful...

Can't say that to him now can I?

I was really ready for this old man to get it over with. He could scream at me as much as he wanted since it was better for him to let his anger out than keep it to himself. Besides he did made some sense but also not. I could definitelly understand where it was all coming from so he was good.

Me: Serpant... Look, I may be a beginner in this but I am not stupid.

Serpant: Says the one who killed soo many people.

Me: It just happened, alright.

Serpant: Nothing just happends... you could have walked in, you could have used what I gave you and what you do? Huh? You go on and kill what nearly everyone?

Me: Ahm... it was the most logical thing to do.

Right at this moment his phone went off and the man looked at the caller ID before he sighed. This wasn't such a good reaction but who knows what this was all about. However the next thing he did was basically storm to the TV, turn it on and switch to a specific chanel.


The hospital.

Can't believe they already showing this on TV.

I thought that they were not allowed to show such thing to the TV... all the blood, victims and so on.

Serpant: .... USAGI!

Me: Ahm... yes?

Serpant: What the fuck did you do?

Me: I did the job.

Serpant: Do you see all the reporters! Do you see the police there!

Me: And? Isn't that normal after a villain attack.

Serpant: Villain but not assassins or mercenary!

Me: Isn't that the same thing?

Serpant: *sigh* Kid! You are grounded for the time being till this is tuned down.


Serpant: They are all over searching for the man who just killed a heroes wife and soo many employees! 

Me: I am safe here. They won't suspect a child either.

Serpant: That might be true but are you even listening to yourself right now?

Me: I don't get it.

Serpant: You are too young for this. You shouldn't be even able to come up with doing something like that!

Me: I am a villain through and though.

Serpant: *sigh* you making me sigh to much.

Me: And you have such a good tea which will get cold. How about we drink some for a change?

Thankfully the man did what I just asked of him to do indirectly and we sat there drinking some tea. The news was really all over tha place calling me blood thirsty or even old and being a veternarian which I took as an insult since I was not that old. There was really no need to call me old was there.

Plus about right now, I could also listen to the declaration of the heroes and so on. Apparently that man Endeavor didn't even care for his wife but his children are. 

It was sus to begin with.

Honestly, the woman could be the one hiring me...

I kinda doubt that since she seemed to love her family but that last wish was surely bizarre.

Serpant: You damn happy about what you did?

Me: Pardon?

Serpant: Get that darn cheshire smile off your face before I wipe it out.

Me: Oh my why should I?

Serpant: Usagi, you damn rabbit, want to be snake food?

Me: You can't beat me.

Serpant: I know my chances are low but I can hurt you.

Me: ... True...

Serpant: Now wipe that look off your face and pretend you are reflecting at least.

me: Meh! Can't do that.

Serpant: *sigh* Don't do this again.

Me: Sure... but no promises.

Serpant: I am soo regretting taking you in.

Me: But also not since no one will dare to come at you shop again.

It was widely known that he was the one who gets these dangerous missions. This much was something I cought on and since I did that, I was sure all the people in the underground just had a taste what I was capable of doing as well as a nice topic to talk too. Needless to say that I for sure did stand my ground and not a single person would be so foolish to go after me now.

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