Old friend... old foe

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I waited what felt hours till I finally could hear something. This time it was not Stain trying to light up the mood over our little connection. No. It were the screams of kids my age who were bikering. That was the moment I looked at them and noticed something very strange. It made my blood boil soo hard that I was ready to shoot in an instant.

Right there was a kid who I knew all too well. He was one of the bullies in school before I dipped out of the mortal world and was declared as dead. Said Pomeranian or Dandelion even Terrorist was no other than Bakugo Katsuki. One of the kids with a very promising quirk that was worth being a lime light hero or so they say. For me it was hell. He used it on me soo much till I saw red and there was more than just one time I wanted to beat the shit out of him, to open up his rip cage and pull out all the intestance and his heart out or even rip his head up into pieces like a coconut and empty it on the floor. 

Who was it to tell me to go swan dive?

Who was it to tell me to be a villain!

Who was it that told me I was a no one just a dumb DEKU!

I had a quirk!

A dangerous one and no one ever really cared for it.

VILLAIN!, DEKU!, IDIOT!, A LOSER!, A NOBODY!, Not worth being with them... yeah I heard it all. No need to tell me that but what came out of his mouth was the most evil thing I heard back then. 

How dare he tell me to take a swan dive cause no one needed a villain like me!

Won't take it far as a villain he said as well.

Ohh but look at me now Kacchan!

Look who I become!


I will tear you appart!

Too bad that I can only shoot you but oh well...

I will make Swiss Cheese out of you.

I had the gun locked on to him and was ready to shot but it was not the time and I knew it very well. No matter how much I wanted it, I knew this would backfire on me if I would do it. So in the end I was following him and listening to their screems. If there was one thing that this dome was definitelly not made for then it was a bunch of kids. I could hear everything echoing around.

Ohh look at that...

So Thirteen and Eraserhead...

First I need to check where is he?!



HE is not here...

I wonder what Shigaraki will do when he finds this out.

This was not planned...

Where is All Might?


Was that?!

I was still watching Bakugo while also looking at his surrounding a bit and that was when I noticed it. Bakugo seemed a bit different. Normally he would use his explosions to actually flick someone off because he gets annoyed but not this time. He made a hand movement which looked like a flicker to the head and the other guy responded to it immediately. 


No way!

This can't be!


How can you chose this thing!

THIS creature!

This villain as your next in line?!

I am sooo... sooo.... happy about it!

All of the sudden my anger started to shift towards a smile. I thought that All Might's quirk was something that could be passed down and now looking at how different Bakugo was behaving, I knew that for certain. I mean I lived together with that Pomeranian at school for more than 8 years. Of course I knew him in an out and that meant also his quirk. 

I will enjoy this!

Now what will happen when I tell All for One about this?

He will definitelly torture you.

This is something you deserve you Terrorist!

Me: PFffff-

I had to really hardly surpress a laugh since it would be really really bad in this situation but the thought alone what will happen to him was making me smile soo hard that I was sure I had this shit eating Cheshire grin on my face. Yeah, I was a lunatic but everyone would have the same expression after facing what I did with him. That man was a monster and shouldn't even be standing there. He was not deserving his spot and I would for sure be the reason he wouldn't be able to escape at all.

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