Jesus... this was to easy

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This was definitelly an stupid idea and I realized that when I got inside of Nezu's office and sat there together with the rat, a tray of cookies some tea and him sitting accross me. Now I was really wondering how I was about to get out of this sitation. Like I got inside but after I got all the details what then?


This was such a stupid idea!

How am I about to get out of this...

I could kill-


The mission was to get some information and not kill him.

THO... I could seriously need his nice white fur as a scarf or I should use it as a small cape. 

That would really benefit me.

It is nice....

But white and soo not my color.

Maybe if I drench it in blood and then dye it this way?

While I was completly lost in my thoughts, fidgiting with a small cookie in my hand and looking a bit down to the ground, I definitelly didn't realize that he walked over and put his small paw on my hand.

Nezu: How are you called child?

Me: Carl.

Nice one.


Why did I remember that scene all of the sudden.

Nezu: Alright, Carl. I am Nezu and the principal of this school. Do you mind me asking why you are looking for a library at this hour?

Me: I wanted to some research....

Nezu: Is there something you want to ask?

Of course I want to ask more but you are giving me every single details I want to know.

Your ear is a bit chipped.

It does look as if you had a tag.... which means you are definitelly hunted down and caged perhapse also experimented. 

Me: ... I wanted to know how to get rid of scars... 

Nezu: Scars?


I have some and you have some as well.

Now how do you make someone talk about scars if not for showing your own and talking about them...

He will have this sense of need to tell me something equal in price.

Me: Yeah... I got these scars.... 

Nezu: It is alright to tell me Carl. You see I have a scar myself.

It must have been because how I looked down and being a bit more avoiding everything. Eye contact, touche basically everything Nezu tried was something I avoided intentionally. I had to make sure after all that he was taking the bait and what better than a helpless and insecure child.

My tactic seemed to work since he started to talk about his scar and that he got it after he escaped some bad people and a bad place. Then he asked me if I had something similar going on. As vague as that description was it told me everything I had to know. He was definitelly experimented on and to push it a bit further I decided to talk a bit more detailed to see his reactions. My skills were laying in observation after all. 

Now let me see your secret.

Let me read them like an open book!

Me: I.. they would take my blood... making fun of me... trying to imprision me.

Nezu: I understand these feeling... so please be asure that nothing will happen to you again.

Me: Really?

Nezu: Yes. 

We talked a bit more but this time over the school and the heroes. While he was talking about that, I really started thinking about a way to escape. I came here for information and I got all the information I needed. There wouldn't be any more than I got from his body language. So I had to get out before a hero would find me.

Me: ... How late is it?

Nezu: Around 1 am.

Me: Shit... I have to go now.

Nezu: Take this with you.

Me: What is that?

Nezu: The number of me and the heroes in my school. If you ever need help call this number without hesitations.

Me: Thank you but... I am fine. My mom loves me.

Nezu: I see. Take care Carl.

Now I never imagined that he would let me go this easily and even escorted me out. It was there that I asked him once again for direction since I wanted to look lost. Once that was over I just booked it.

I can't believe that he bought it!

No way...

I mean...

No way.

No freaking way did that just help.

Also I got quite some information for what I needed.

I walked basically to the main streets and ran into Stain who looked more than just freaked out. He apparently did track me and also decided to spy on me. There was no other way that he would know where to find me otherwise.


Me: Huh?

He basically grabbed my arm and pulled me to an alley where no one was so we could talk together in all honesty.

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