a little backstory

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Serpant's POV:

After I had this short talk with Stain, my dear brother decided to go out and do whatever was necessary to make Stalion fear us or just vanish. There were a couple of things he could do and I am trustung my brother completly. No one down here in the underground would even dare to lay a hand on us two. First Stain was well known to be a hero killer so no normal person would attack him at all. If he could easily kill a hero then why shouldn't he be able to kill a villain as well? The normal human common sense should warn them to not mess with him. Then there was me. I was once a serial killer. They said I was one because I eliminated a complete family from a hero and left the hero my brother. Two different ways of killing but same solution. Aftert that I got into being a mercenary and an assassin. Soon after that I got tired of people telling me what I can do and what not so I started createding my own guilds and ruin the villains who screw with me. That is the sole reason why they are scared of me. I have contacts in the hero commission with people who can easily be bribed and get all my information directly.

Now the reason why me and my brother even started being villains was simple. It was not because of our quirks. It was also not because we were labeled as villains. It was not because of our parents. Noo... they loved us soo much and we were a happy family. 

The reason was revenge. 

We wanted revenge on the system that forced us appart for years while we got through the adoption cycles. We wanted them all to suffer and it just so happened that I got to be the serial killer out of us.

Now this still doesn't explain much does it?

Well let me tell you right now. My story is not a fairy tale and it was never meant to be one.

Stain and I lost our parents during an underground explosion of a metro. Our parents and a hero was inside. The hero managed to safe everyone except out parents. We hated the hero for that. It was not because there was no time to safe them or that he didn't warn them. The reason why they died was because the hero decided to play it safe and get himself out of the area before the bomb could explode. A lot of people got injured, but only two died and that is because the hero opened a path for people to escape and told them to run and nothing more than that.

Who wouldn't be angry about the hero?

We were and Stain was the one to start with all the hero killing getting his name the hero killer. Of course said hero was the first victim but it took us years till we got so far because back then we were just kids, the same age as the bunny I picked up.

I could see it in his eyes.

He was dying to get revenge but why he wanted to change things or why he got into villainy was something I didn't wanted to ask. If there was one thing people don't ask down here than it was their motive to kill. Everyone here had a backstory some were even more sad and some were just cruel. No one ever wanted to be a villain besides the sociopaths but they were just making the small number of all of us.

Me: *Sigh*

Sooner or later I will need to make up my mind about what to do....

Do I want to stay hidden?

Or should I expose myself again...

42 kills and being called a serial killer....

I was quite big back then and everyone wanted to catch me.... but I am not young anymore.

Besides that... I have my brother and a life here.

Tho what is a live when someone threatens to destroy it.

Why did he came out of hiding now....

What is it that All fof One wants?

There must be something but whatever it is... it's not a good sign.

Then the kid.

I can't just leave him.

He has no where to go and he needs a family at least someone he can rely on if he wants to make it far... I had Stain and my brother had me. Now we gonna be here for him as long as we can... at least we can make sure he has a backup option.


I don't like the times that will come....

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