I screwed up!

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Thank you for giving this wunderful soundless gun to me!

I really appreciate it!

This will be the best option here!

If I get to close to her she could flip the situation on me.

I am confident in my skills but I would be also surrendered useless if she would decide to dash out of the room and shift.... yeah no!

I better play this one safe and use a gun!

Thanks to my quirk, I could use any kind of weapon and make it deadly while also even if I never touched it in my entire life, I knew how to wield it. This made having a gun and shooting a gun precisely soo much easier. Sometimes I hated this quirk but times like this, I absolutely loved it!


Here I go!

Without much of any hesitation, I pulled out the gun and started shooting her at her hearts place but also a couple of around her where I knew that if I hit it right, she would bleed a lot faster and although it made not really sense to do this on a dead body, I still enjoyed shooting her. This was how she went down in seconds having a couple of bullet holes and wounds and let her drop to the ground. 

Me: Alright... Now... let's do this!

I put the gun away from when I had it and started to place the kids in their seat. If they were not dead by now, now was definitely the time they all died. One by one I shot them right at their heart and made a bloody smile on their face. I wanted blood to be everywhere so some kids, I stabbed like a lot, some others I shot and started dragging around and then there were these kids I placed in their chairs and then cut some places and let them bleed out. 

In the end the whole classroom was placed perfectly in place zet being bloody but beautiful. All that was left was to get out of this place. 

There was only one person I left without making any bloody mess on him so I could change into that uniform before I placed him back on his place and kill him. Tho he was the only one who was wearing nothing but his boxers.


Done job!

Now I just have to get out unnoticed.

I may look suspicious if I would walk out carefully so instead of doing that, I decided to walk out as if this place was my second home. I wanted it to look as if I was a student on their way to get something or to the restrooms. Thankfully for me, everyone was in their class so walking out of the building was easy. Getting over the fence was another story.

???: HEY, YOU! 

Oh shit!

Me: Yes, Sensei?

Do I really have to murder someone now?

This has to be a joke!

But alright!

This will be it!

Of course I stopped in track and turned around and of course I had my weapons hidden under the school outfit. Did it look weird? Probably but I didn't think about that and turned around looking at the sensei.

Me: How can I help?

???: Get back to your classes.

Me: Aww but no can do.

Darn it!

Why did I had to actually say that out loud?

It was supposed to be my thought!


???: Pardon?

Me: *sigh* I screwed up... sorry but you have to go.

With that I pulled out the gun. This person didn't had any chance of actually reacting to it before it was done and guess what? There were security cameras around the whole school ground. There were even some inside but not that many as outside and here I was walking towards the gates to get out normally. Well now there was no chance of doing that anymore.

In the end I had to sprint towards the walls and hope I could make it over before the full security system would activate. Of course I started cursing my idiotic ass for saying my thoughts out loud and of course it also didn't quite came down how I wanted it.

When I got over the gate's wall, I saw some mist like thing below me right where I would land and I knew.... I fucked up!



I just wanna get away!



My mind was working in a fast pace and no matter how hard I thought in this split second before I got into that dark thing below me, there was really no hero, like no one I knew which could have such a quirk at all.

To put it simple... I was screwed!

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