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I love the times people call me a demon or cries in pain. This was really something about to be sol much fun. Just the thought alone was enough. So the moment the truck started to move, I startes running towards the first hidden man and threw him out of his hiding spot.

Me: If you don't wanna come out soon, ama go after every single one of you and do the same thing!

This one was a very quick kill since I decided to decapitate this person but that apparently wasn't enough for the people to come out of hiding spot.


Not enough?


This is soo annoying!

Couldn't you just come out while I was playing nice?


I was staying there looking at the difference director of the people who were hiding. They were still all there which means they were after me and not him. Problem here was that there was no reason yet to come at me.

I wonder what I did for them to come at me...

How did they even know I am here....


Could it be?

My brain was working in overdrive as I started thinking about all possibilities and with that I came to a quite logical conclusion as well. So when I reached a conclusion I was grinning soo badly that it was even creeping myself out.

Me: oho! So you all chose death! So be it!

The moment I knew this was it, I started to run around eliminating the first couple of people. Of course there was no escape from me and I think these people realised something because all of the sudden they all jumped out of their hiding spot. Still it was too late for them. Nothing could help them anymore. I mean let's be honest, I was already getting started and I had a dagger in my hands. That meant that I saw morwe than hundrests of ways to kill all of them together.

Me: Oho~ This will be fun.

This is soo gonna be fun!

I am excited!

I want more!


I felt how my grip on reality started slipping since my desire incresed a lot. It was by then that I had someone in my hand. His or hers or whatever they feel like being, whelp their throat was in my hand and I was lifting them up a bit. I was small alright but this person was smaller. That didn't stop me from actually chocking the shit out of them but right after I felt the pleasure of seeing them, struggle, I smashed their head down to the ground with such a force that I think it might broke. Oh well nothing could be helped.

By now the othersd started atticking me as well but I ran with my daggers and slit them, up one by one. Not only did I just stab them or slit their throats up, you can also say decapitate them but I decided to cut as deep as to open up or make an opening for the organs to fall out on the ground. They all were short to live for sure.

Me: You are the last one!

It might have took me a bit but once I was done there was only one person left who was frozen in place. I could basically smell their fear. Something that one couldn't quite get out of their mind this easily for sure. This sight was just beautiful on its own. 

Once I went in front of that person I made sure they wouldn't be able to run away. That meant that I was pinning them down while also breaking their legs, arms, fingers oh and a couple of more bones because I started to enjoy hearing the sound. Inm years it sounded like a symphony.

Me: One chance to answere~ Who send you!

???: Please don't kill me!

Me: You know you might survive this... How about it?

???: I am new so I don't know.

Me: New to what?

???: This mercenary guild.

Me: Orchid?

???: YES!

Me: Thanks for the informations!

Without even letting the person talk any more, I slit their throat open in a special way which would take time for them to drown in their own blood. This was indeed painful and they were still conscious not to mention that I could hear the sound they were making.

Did I care tho?


And you know why?

I was a villain and a perfect one at that as well!

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