Oh my look!

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I wonder if he will tell me about what happened?

Maybe he will maybe not...

I am to young for this shit anyways.

Will they still suspect me...


I am great actor after all!

Okay but what now?

Does it seem natural to just go back to my daily basis...


No, I don't think so.

I should probably talk to Mic a bit more.

Mic really helped me get rid of any spiderwebs as well as the dirt on me. The problem was now that he basically told me to take off my shirt and that shirt was now completly wet. I mean he was a bit of an idiot in my point of view. Who in their right mind will tell a kid to take off their shirt and then put it right in the sink with the running water. May I even add it was cold water.

So all in all my shirt was now completly wet and it was starting to get cold. Personally it didn't bother me much but that would look wrong here. To top that off, I couldn't simply ignore my bodies reaction with goosebumps all over my skin thanks to the sudden breeze.

Mic: Oh shit. You must be freezing little listener.

Me: A bit but it's okay. I can go back to my room and ge-

Mic: Noo!

Me: Hm?

Mic: Here take this!

This hero was really something else. If he wanted to hide something then he should have a lot better but I also had no reasons to pray into this matter much further since I knew what was going on. I killed a person and I knew they were dead. Besides that, I had to play my role as innocent little creature in order not to get caught at all.

Me: Thank you.

Mic took off his jacket and gave it to me. He not only made sure I was putting it on but also zipped it up so it was a huge thing on me and it looked as if someone was taking pity on me and gave me that oversized thing. It was a bit funny but comfy and warm so I gladly accepted it. I must admit, even though coldness doesn't bother me, I was a sucker for wamr things and heat. 

Mic: No problem little listener.

Me: I wonder what this noise is all about it?

There were sirens which could be heard and it was getting louder and louder. Now for a child this was a reason to be exited and also curious. For a killer like myself it was thrilling as well as a reason to shut up and ditch this place. Now now, I was innocent. If I was believing this myself then everyone could believe me too. I just had to be very convincing and up until now, I didn't do any mistakes in playing my innocent angel role at all.


They really called an ambulance.

What they think of doing?


I would love to see that happening just to kill over and over again.

Oh wait.

Can I somehow get that quirk?

Maybe a side kick?

Who am I kiddin, I would kill that person as well!


Now what should I do whit this big brain?

I mean he definitelly won't leave me be alone...


I looked at Mic who started to look very nervous and decided to act like a child and grab his hand just to run off to the flower guarding we had close by. It was the guarding which I was managing. Small but pretty little flowers were there. Of course no one knew that most of these flowers could be deadly if eaten but oh well I sure enjoiyed the sight of them.

Me: Here for you!

A red rose that was what I just plugged down and gave to Mic. It was a small flower but I loved it because of the dark red color which strongly reminded me of blood. This flower was also kinda only this red because I was feeding it blood. However no one knew the fact that it should have been or was a white rose once.

Mic: Aww thank you.... But you shouldn't do this.

Me: Why not? You seemed down.

Mic: Did you wanted to cheer me up?

Me: Mh!

Not true.

I just want to have a great alibi as well as your trust.

You can't suspect somoene who did this and tried to cheer you up after all.

Besides the fact that you can't really suspect a kid of killing someone like this.

I mean it looked like an accident.

The only thing is the basement.

I hope they won't go there.

There shouldn't be any reason for them to get there.

I mean... it looks like an accident after all.

Mic: Aww you are soo sweet little listener.

Me: Thank you but I also wanted to do something since I got your jacket.

Whelp I just wanted to move space since this is soo much closer to the main entrance... or side of the buildin.

With this I will be able to get a glance at what is going on.

As much as that was my plan, Mic did take the flower and put it right behind his ear. He seemed to like th flower. The problem however was that he basically put a hand on my back and started to guide me somewhere else. It was as if he knew that this place would lead to me catching on to something.

Mic: Come on, let me get you inside. I think with your wet hair, you will catch a cold and we can't have that now can we?

Oh now you want us to inside?

I started to question this hero but right before we actually got to go inside he put something on my head and over my eyes as he guided me towards the kitchen. At first I didn't know what it was and since he was also ruffling my head, I just left it be. However once we got inside and he put the thing down, I saw that it was the scarf he had on him. It was really a small one but he just took it off and put it over my wet hair since we got the dust and everything out. Plus my hair was puffy so it took a really really long time to dry.

Me: Hey!

Mic: Sorry, sorry.

In the end he smiled at me while we were in the kitchen and told me to sit while he got a towel which we always had everywhere and started to try my hair.

Mic: Aww you have soo soft hair little listener!

Me: Ahm... thanks....

Okay now you just trying to make me focus on you and not everything else....

You are bad at this job, you know that.... right?

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