Pang Pang BANG

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Now where...


Where is that babysitter...



I should be able to do that before he finds out...


Let's do this!

They will know I am here but oh well...

I need to be fast!

Who knows how far that thing can actually jump!


I should wait...


What should I do...

I decided that it would be a lot safer to wait a bit and watch what would be going on. Besides I knew that the hero in trainings were all busy right now so I didn't had to focus on them yet. I would for sure. I would turn this all around and honestly at the end if I had such a nice surprise for Bakugo. I would let my dear old friend be the last one standing. One survival just because I can. Besides he was my ticked for getting rid of the LOV and not get in any kind of troubles.

Shigaraki: WHERE IS HE?!

Eraserhead: Calm down. We can sort this out.

Thirteen: I don't think you can talk things out here.

Eraserhead: You are right.

Shigaraki: Get him!

That was it!

This was the moment I've been waiting for. It took a bit but the moment Shigaraki gave the order, the thing I watched carefully made a move. It was fast, way waster than I expected it to be and the strength it had was something else as well. This was something that could easily rival All Might. If things get even ugly it could kill All Might. No. This was a thing I was not ready to face because it was just a huge dangerously instable variable. I could kill it but the thing about this was... I had to be very very fast, agile and precise. My quirk would help me but I was not that sure if I could keep up with this speed. It was definitelly something else and I would rather not risk it at all.


That thing...



Let's go next one down.

One by one they will fall!

No pang could be heard but I destroyed the collar on Kurogiri's neck and the next shot was a head shot. It was just for a split second but it was enough for me to see Kurogiri's real body. The mist was getting out of hand but for that split second it revealed a human body. This was what I hoped for. I mean of course there was a chance I was wrong but I still took it. No matter what I would have definitelly killed him in one way and another. 

Still my quirk told me to kill the little collar he had on and I just did that. Oh how I loved my quirk. It was making things soo much easier.

Shigaraki: WHAT THE-

Before he could even finish it, I shot him as well. The bullet went through his black clothes and hit his heart. I did warned him before not to mess with me and he was definitelly making things worse for himself after talking with me and trying to recruit me after that day as well. Of course I was noticing that Serpant hid these attempts form me but come on. You can't hide a misty guy coming over to the shop and trying to buy stuff as well as ask for me. Nah... that was something you really couldn't hide. It was a warning and I knew that the babysitter was just his pet dog. Still he had some common sense back then so I hoped he more. 

In the last couple of days before the event here, I saw Shigaraki roaming around the underground as well as asking for my whereabout and then there was Kurogiri who knew it and asked for my assitance... no. Serpant did tell them off but there were hints, cards, letters and notes left here and there. It was hard to not notice but I ignored them and smiled at Serpant acting as if I knew nothing about them at all.

Now this was my little payback for being that persistant.

Some people never learn after all.

Still one shot was not enough so I decided to make another headshot so that the body of Shigaraki would fall over. 

Let's see what IT will do after its master is dead...

Will it freak out?

Will do something else or will it continue the attack?

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