Brother...You messed up!

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Stain: Why are you smiling like that.

Serpant: Brother, he has a stupid idea... how can you not see that.

Me: It's not stupid!

Serpant: Then what is?

Me: Well it is a bit but more reckless than anything else.

Serpant: I don't want to hear it now.

Me: BUT!

Serpant: No buts!

Me: Why not?

Serpant: Because you should sleep first.

Me: I don't wanna tho!

Serpant: You are nearly up 24 hours by now. Go sleep before I need to think about something.

Me: Arg fine but you gonna listen to it later?

Stain: We will.

Serpant: You staying?

Stain: Can't leave my little brother here alone.

Serpant: You fucked up.

Stain: What did I do now?

Serpant: You called him little brother.

Stain: As if you don't see him as family as well!

Serpant: But I didn't tell him that.

Me: awwwwww!!!! 

Serpant: See!

Stain: Ah come on! It was the truth and you knew it.

Serpant: I did but still!

Stain: Alright, alright! Sorry for expsoing your little secret.

Serpant: You go sleep. I have to talk with this guy here.

I knew that there was not really any space for talking back and the truth was, I was really tired as well. There was no lying. I would appreciate some sleep and besieds it could wait a bit more till I would tell them my plan. Not as if it was completly ripped as well. There were a lot of things I need to make sure would not happen and then the backup plan and so on and so on. It was just a base idea for now and I needed their approval.

My body felt sluggish the more we talked and the more I tried to actually get eaten by the really nice couch. I would say I was getting one or liquified like a cat but that wouldn't be true. I was just getting more and more tired and comfy that I was actually leaning back and letting go of all the tension in my body. It felt good and I was soo close on falling asleep as well. 

So when Serpant had his final say, I stood up and went to my room to flop on the bed and just sleep. Like a light that went out, I was that dead and I probably dropped like a dead body on the mattress as well. No blanket nothing but I did grab my cushion before I completly fell asleep.

Serpant's POV

Me and my brother watched Usagi walk to his room and not clos the door but flop on the bed. Of course Stain started laughing a bit and then wheezing since he knew that it would wake up the kid if he would do it loudly but it was kinda funny to see him just be a kid sometimes. The way he acted and the way he displayed his cruelness made us all think that he was not really a kid but then there were instances where he just was his age or even more childish.

Stain: You want to do something about the LOV?

Me: No but can you do something about Stalion.

Stain: Sure, I would have done something anyways.

Me: Good.

Stain: But you do know that the next in line would be that gekko guy.

Me: He at least is scared of me so that wouldn't really matter.

Stain: True but he is an idiot.

Me: Better than having someone who betrays us.

Stain: True.... does he know that you are pulling the strings behind everything down here?

Me: I am sure he does.

Stain: He is a good kid.

Me: I know.

Stain: But honestly sometimes he is just...

Me: I know what you mean. He shouldn't be like this at his age.

Stain: *sigh* cruel world.

Me: True true...

Stain: So what you wanna do about the LOV?

Me:  What can we do with All for One being behind them?

Stain: Ah I hate that guy.

Me: I have a feeling that sooner or later we will face him.

Stain: Something tells me that he will find a way to deal with that.

Me: You feel it too huh.

Stain: Yeah... he gonna change everything.

Me: Question is for the better or the worse?

Stain: With how much you are supporting him... I say you have faith in him.

Me: I do. 

Stain: Good cause I got fond of the little guy as well.

Me: Don't spoil him.

Stain: As if he would let me.

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