My mind... and all the things...

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It was not needed to say that I took my sweet sweet time to relax and then take a set of cloths to go to the bathroom and take my very very double sweet time there. Let me tell ya getting blood out of fluffy hair was horrible and then getting already dried blood out from stuff was even worse. Plus I did kinda decided to use the bathtube today. I was glad Serpant had both and 2 seperate bathrooms. One was for guest with a shower and the other one was probably like just now just to relax. 

Me: *haaaahhhh* this is soo nice... can't even remember when I last time soaked in water like this....

I really enjoyed staying here. Nothing could make this experience better. There was warm or hot water surrounding my body and making me feel soo relaxed. It was perfect timing to just be there and think about nothing or in my special case let my mind run wild. No moment of my life should be wasted and even if I wanted, I couldn't... my mind didn't work like that.

The LOV...

Why can't I just forget about this virgins wanna be league...

Something about them is rubbing me the wrong way.

I don't get why....

Is it because of that Shiggy guy?

Or is it because of All for One?

Why would a man with soo much power even get a person to do things and not do things on their own.... if not for the fact that they are hurt?

Maybe he can't do things right now.

If he can't then that means he has a weak point.

Then the other thing that could be is because he wants to be in the dark and not discovered yet.

If that is the case then things will be dangerous for me.


Why tho?

Not as if I am tackling the LOV and bringing them down...


I am thinking about doing just that.

Me: *sigh*

I decided to dive down and let myself sink a bit more in the bathtube. It was soo relaxing and it made me forget my worries about more and just hypothetically run everything down without thinking about the consequences for now. Of course I knew them but I also didn't wanted to think about what could happen if I would mess up or make one wrong move. If that would happen then not only would my death date would be set but there would be 3 funerals including Stains and Serpants on the same date as mine. No. I couldn't risk them being dragged into this and yet I for sure needed their help.

Attacking the USJ buildings is a suicide mission.

I've seen enough to know the basic of the building and if Shiggy could get the blueprints then so can I!

That man is an idiot and a man child.

I doubt that his plan is safe.

What did he even wanted to do.....

The way he is searching for me and tried to recruit me.... is he putting up a team? 

Or maybe he is planning an ambush.

If he is planning the later then this will go down in a disaster.

They may be just heroes in training but going in there blindly is just stupid.

These kids are a variable and a dangerous one as well.

They can ruin anyones plans immediately.

I wonder if he has a plan against them.... or if he will try to make the others deal with them....

Of course he will not be the one attacking them.

He is way tooo skinny for that.

I doubt he could even deliver a solid punch.


Me: This is not as trivial as he made it sound.... too many lose variables.

I was long enough in this bath to finally decide to finish it and get out of the room after being done with everything. No blood, no stress and more importantly nothing was on me right now that was indicating that I was more than just a normal kid. 

Once I was done, I got out and started to search for Serpant till I found him in the kitchen making us some pancakes.

Serpant: Feeling better not?

Me: Yup.

Serpant: Good.

Me: Isn't it a bit late for pancakes?

Serpant: Isn't it late for you to wake up?


Serpant: They will be ready soon so go to the living room and just wait a bit more.

Me: Alright... something I can help?

Serpant: Nah, just relax. You had enough of a rough day yesterday.

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