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Finally it was time to go. After checking over and over again, it was finally time to get out of the house and Serpant was the one driving me to a close desitination so I could get off and then walk to the USJ building. Thanks to all the information I gathered, I knew exactly where I had to go. To top that off, the keycard I had didn't had any pictures and was pretty much used like a keyfob. It would open up the door and register the man I killed, Morgan, as the one entering inside this building. 

Yesterday Stain went ahead and went close to the building where I killed Morgan and his daughter to see if he could get a glimps of some caution tape. There was no way the police could hide their tape. It is actually protocol to secure the scene. So if there was no time, no one got inside. That much was what I knew off. Plus Stain went there because he wanted to double check if we were getting played by Nezu. However there was actually nothing that indicated that someone entered. 

Fun fact, the building across of Morgans office was one under construction and you could basically see into his office from there. That's how Stain saw his body sitting in front of a dark screen. Since the body was still there, there was no chance that the police or anyone found him yet.

What a bad neighbourhood to be... actually it was the perfect for me but I still didn't get why he was in a building with zero and I mean pretty much zero kind of security. He himself was a security guy so how could he live in a building with none. Was it because of his fine confidence or was he actually convinced that he was safe because of something. Maybe I even oversaw something. Who knows but for now, I was just hoping that he was living there because he was saving up for his daughters school career. 

Whatever it was, I was sure that I would never find it out.... so wasting another thought on it was pretty much useless.

Serpant: Alright. Here we are.

The whole time we were in the car, no one dared to say a word. It was as if this was the last parting but truth to be told, it was simply just a "I'll be back". 

Me: Don't worry, I got this.

Serpant: We will always worry. 

Me: *sigh*

Tho there is really no need to worry about it!

I looked into the heroes.

I know Eraserhead and All Might gonna be here plus another one.

That other one should be Thirteen... well judging from the best rescue hero UA has to offer...

Soo 3 heroes... no biggy!

Plus a bunch of kids running aorund...


I need to be careful about that brainwashing quirk or that fire and ice one... .but before anything I need to eliminate the speedy kid.

He could be dangerous if he runs out and calls for help!

Then again... there are others which could be dangerous as well....

That girl with the funny ears... she could definitelly hear better than others.

Maybe she will hear the gun?

What if that other guy looking a bit like an octopus can?

Too many variables...

I need to see what the LOV does before acting.

If I act at first without watching I could run into danger pretty quickly.

Don't want Eraserhead to find me.

Whelp I will clean this stupid make up Serpant put on my face the moment I get inside.... 

It's itchy.

Before we left, Serpant made sure to put a thick layer of make up on my face so that I would look way way older but it was really bothering me. My skin felt itchy and I had to muster all my focus on not ruining the disguise immediately. He did work soo hard on it and it was really good one not gonna lie. It just bothers me a bit. In this case, he gave me a handkerchief so I could wipe off when I get inside. I was dead and after this, there was for sure no security who could see me being up there. So it was pretty plausible to get rid of it once I was inside.

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