Oh look! Fits me soo well

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After the bath, I got the clothes and also chainged in them before I went down to the shop owner again. He was waiting downstairs for me and he looked satisfied. I also felt relieved wearing these new clothes now.

Owner: Do you want to share your name with me little Usagi?

Me: No, I am satisfied with Usagi.

But I would soo love to know yours.

I mean I can't call you boss since you are not my boss.

I also can't really call you owner since people will think I am a slave and I am not such a thing.


Question is... What do I call you Fourarms?!

Owner: Alright.

Me: What should I call you?

Owner: Serpant. That is what they call me down here.


This sounds like an underworld name.

So he was an assassin a dealer or something else.

By that name I would say something bloody.

Perhapse assassin?

But he doesn't look like it.

Bodyguard or in a cult then?

Me: Serpant? Why that?

Owner: In my time, I was cunning as a Fox but that was not why they feared me. I got my name because I was like a Serpant around peoples neck. They feared me.

Me: What did you do?

Owner: I was a mercenary once but I retired and got this shop.

Me: A mercenary?

Oh wow...

So he might know where I can find a job and everything!

I hit the jackpot here!

God that I didn't kill this man at all.

This could have ended bad for me.

At least I can get some information out of him now.

Owner: Yes. I might not look like it now but these daggers were once mine.

Me: They are great ones.

Owner: Indeed and I really pitty them for laying there just to get some dust on them.

Me: Is this why you gave them to me?

Owner: Yes that and you remind me of my own when I was in your age.

Me: Oh.

Owner: Anyways, you got a place to stay?

Me: Do I look like I have a home?

Owner: Nope.

Me: There you get your answere.

Owner: Then how about staying here? 

Me: Why would you want that and why did you even help me out.

Owner: I can see your potential kid. Besides I would rather have you as a friend then an enemy.

Me: Huh?

Owner: Trust me, I am better on your good side then bad one.


He is so right. 

I could kill him if he was on my bad side. 

I would totally kill him to be honest.

100% would plus I got the things I need but what he can offer is more than I can get.

I was already seeing through what he wanted to give me or offer me since it was also beneficial to him. If the words came out that he was actually having a mercenary assassin one of the best in his home then no one would dare to even rob this shop or do anything bad at all. It would give him some rest in the night and I would get a free space to sleep as well as all insights around here. There was just nothing that would say against it at all.

Me: So you offer me a place to stay is that it?

Serpant: HAHAHAHA you know there is more.

Me: I know.

Serpant: I will get you jobs and make you big here kiddo.

Me: And who says I can't do it alone?

Serpant: No one. You can totally do this but this way is safer.

He was right and there was nothing I could do against this. If this man was known as Serpant then he had his own name build up around here. People would trust him more than a kid who was trying to actually get big. So in the end I had to find a way around all odds but like this, it was soo easy.

Me: I appreciate it.

Serpant: You know what is good. You are a clever bunny, Usagi.

Me: Thanks Serpant.

Serpant: Also if you need anything tell me. I'll take care of it.

Me: On the other side, I will make sure that your shop and you are safe.

Serpant: You get it.

Me: I do have a question tho. Why do you need me?

Serpant: Huh?

Me: Your quirk is enough for people to let you be alone so why do you need me.

Serpant: Did you hear about the new merchant guild around here?

Me: Yes.

Serpant: They have something against me, an old vandeta.

Me: I see.

Oh now I see.

He is scared about the new guild.

They are idiots....

I guess they have a way to get in here and kill him.

Nothing is for sure after all.

But having a roof above me, weapons and clothes as well as food is enough to get him his security.

It is a worthy deal.

Me: Deal, I am in it.

Serpant: Good.

With that he came over to me ruffling my head before telling me some things about the new mercenary group. It seemed as if they were more bloodthirsty as ever and didn't care about the unspoken rules around here which he informed me as well but there were not really important since I basically didn't intend to get around here besides staying with Serpant.

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