I have an idea... hear me out!

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Serpant: WOW, WOOW, WOOOW! Slow down gluty!

Me: But! This is *nomnomnomnom* SOOOOO GoooD!

Serpant: And there is planty on the table.

Me: *nomnomnom*

Serpant: Honstly if anyone sees you like this, they gonna think I am starving you.

Me: *nom nom* MEH! Your problem.

Serpant: You damn little bunny!

Me: ....

Serpant: Sheesh! You gonna choke for sure!

Me: ... *nomn nomnom om nom nom*

Serpant: Yeah... I am calling it right now.

I was really kinda starving and it was weird. Normally I was not the person to feel this hungry but right now, I could really eat a whole banquet up myself and crash in of course as well. Still I could bet with like I don't know who's stolen money that, that food will not be nearly as good as this one in front of me.

Well what could I say... I was a sucker for sweets and he just offered me some good pancakes and apple pie and I don't know why he had soo many sweet things on the table. Oh well, I was not one to complain about this.

Took me a couple more minutes or half an hour... make it close to an hour to finally feel really full from this meal and look up at Serpant who was trying not to laugh soo badly. I could tell this just by the grinning face he was making. 

Me: What?

Serpant: A bit much isn't it?

Me: No! This was just right and totally what I needed!

Serpant: Alright.

Me: By the way... what would you say if I would tell you that I have a stupid idea?

Serpant: Listen to said stupid idea. That is the least I can do after all.

Me: Alright.

Serpant: So what is your so called stupid idea?

Me: I mentioned the LOV, right?

Serpant: Yes.

Me: The USJ building?

Serpant: ....

Me: So they kinda want to attack UA and the students having a field trip. 

Serpant: I got that much but why are you interested in this?

Me: Well I kinda want to pay them back a favor.

Serpant: So you mean to tell me, you want to be there and help them?

Me: Not help but sabotage them.

Serpant: Why?

Me: Because they will not let me go that easily for sure. Something is just fishy about them. 

Serpant: I know they are fishy and all but we are here for you. We got your back.

Me: And that is the problem.

Serpant: What do you mean?

Me: I mean, I don't want you guys to get involved in my matters.

And get hurt because of me.

You two did soo much for me and you guys are fun to be with...

I can't risk it.

Serpant: Stop right there.

Me: What?

Serpant: I know what you are thinking and I have to stop you.

Me: ... WHA-

Serpant: Me and Stain are doing this for way longer and even before you were born! We know when to make the call and dip!

Me: .... How did you know what I was thinking?

Serpant: You had that worried look on your face.

Me: I did?

Serpant: You never have it and no need to play dumb.

There was indeed no hiding anything from that man. That amount of knowledge about humans was something he just got over the years and I believe reading people just by their expression as well as body language was something he picked up on the long long way he traveled till he got so far like having this little small shop and the respect of everyone. 

Of course they were idiots as well and by now I think there was no one down here that would even dare to attack again. Not after what happened and me being like here as well. Nah no one was tired of life enough for something this crazy. Plus you kinda didn't wanted the grudge of everyone. No one would help you if you anger Serpant epecially if he was the only person who was delivering and patching costumes and gears as well weapons. He had everything and only the best things. 

So yeah bad idea robbing him or getting on his wrong side. This much I learned already.

Good that I kinda had a free pass on that one. No matter how much I would annoy him.... yeah no let's say no matter how much I mess up, he would for sure get over it or there would be something I could do to make it up again. Tho honestly I say he has fun with me around here.

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