What a great show

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Oh I can't believe you can't hear them scream!

I soo wanted to hear them scream!


They are kinda late.

Even though I put the whole thing up into flames, I was kinda drawn to stay where I was. Of course I should run and not stay here but I couldn't. Somewhat I wanted to see who would be the very first hero to see this. It was beautiful and silent. The only thing that one could hear were sound of the flames but that was all.

They are really running late.

That much for heroes are never late.

Fuck it!

They are always late!

Let's pretend to lay down here and be a homeless person.


This might take a bit longer than what I think it would.

I mean this orphanage is in the middle of the city!

Good damn it!

Come on!

This is a joke!

What if there was something more serious!


I should stop complaining before god or whatever being there is listens to this shit and decided to make it worse for me.

No thank you!

After getting out of the house the first thing that I did was taking a rose with me but it was in my pocket. There was a chance of people seeing it and associating it with the orphanage but this was definitely needed. I loved my roses and flowers but especially my roses.

As I was sitting on the ground in an alley, I decided to pull my hood over as well as take some of the empty glass bottles close to me and one in my hand.

From time to time there were homeless people in alleys but the more I thought about it the less I would get recognized as one. I mean my clothes didn't fit it well. So in the end I decided to go for a drunkyard.


They sure are taking their sweet sweet time to get here!

Sirens could be heard but that was all for now.

Quite some time has already passed too and there was still no one here.

This was more than unexpected.

How idiotic.

I planned everything on a toght schedule and here they are failing.


If I had known this then I would have taken my sweet sweet time killing everyone.

How dumb is this situation!

My perfect crime!

It's beautiful!

Why are they late to see this show I created for them!

Finally after a lot of time, heroes started to show up. First they just looked around doing nothing and the reason was obvious. These heroes were not equipped with the right quirk for this. However the thing was they still could do something again the fire or not. These heroes didn't had any brain and I could tell that much since a couple civilians where already catching up the news and staying around there looking and talking in schock.

They really were stupid.

Still it took another 10 minutes for the fire fighter to arrive. All the heroes did for now was make sure no one would get too close or jump into the fire. The police came tooand they started to male some barriers for people not to get injured. Tho I didn't cared at all. If anything I would be happy as everyone was just annoying and dumb.

Look at these months who are drawn to the light.

Go on!

Go on!

Get burned!

I could kill someone for sure...


Don't risk it.

Staying here is risky enough!

I had to remind myself because I was really close to just kill off every. I was bored okay! There was nothing for me to do now. Besides I had literally nothing holding me back since I was officially dead now.

It was one of the best days ever in my life. One had to consider that I was definitely having my fun watching these people act. Everyone was having a face mask on. Oh I knew better than anyone since I lived in the orphanage for soo long. People didn't liked us being there and yet they say they were all shocked as well as morning for the childrens death.

As if!

After a while more and more people started arriving and I decided to stand up with the bottle of beer which was empty and started walking off down the road. There was nothing to see anymore. An hour passed already meaning that my own tracs were now successful covered now.

Still couldn't believe it took them this much time.

A/N: Because of the reading numbers I will be reducing the length of the chapters from here on out. This will make it easier on me and my full schedule as well multiple daily updates on different books. I hope you can understand this and won't give up on this book. Sorry for it! This decision wasn't easy for me since I want to make this longer for all the people who want a bit of a detailed longer story.

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