Upsy Daisy! Accidents happen!

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We did get back to the other kids but the problem was that I felt soo out of place. There was no reason for me to stay like this if I could kill them all off. In fact, right now I wanted nothing else than to do that but with these heroes around I had to behave.

Soo what to do now?

I can't just dip like I wanted it.

They will go search for me for sure...

What's even up with all the glances in mu direction?

Don't you think this is a bit weird?

You definitely would freak someone out hobo!

Damn it!

I want to stop faking this shit.

I want to leave everything behind.

It shall all burn to hell.

Is it soo wrong?

Damn it!

Why do I have to act soo sweet like this.

It's sickening.

That one hero didn't leave me out of his eyes not even once and at this point I was sure he saw me grin. It was dangerous considering that I was definitely not one of the good guys nor wanted to be a good guy. Then again if this hero adopts me I will make sure to either slowly poison them or kill myself not for real of course. I would soo fake my death not that I have that in mind anyways.

So while I was together with the kids they all gathered around me. The reason was obvious. They could see this dumb and stupid hobo look at me. They didn't wanted to stay here so they were trying their best to be recognized.

Me: Guys! Let's play hide and seek.

It was just that what I had to say in order for the kids to look at me again. I was sick of this crowed of people. Killing was the least I wanted to do right now. Torture soundes a lot better.

You little fuckers will definitely regret playing with me.

But ohh well I will have my sweet fun.

Let's go with it.

Come on!

Come on!

Say yes!

The kids looked at me sceptical at first but soon they started smiling. Did they really thought I didn't know what that damn smile meant. Oh if that was the case then they were soo wrong. It was plainly obvious that they were thinking of ways to screw me over but too bad for them that I had my very own plans.

Did I care at this point that there was a hero around?


To the country for me it was more thrilling this way.

Me: So what you guys say?

Kids: Yeah You it tho!

One after another says the same thing over and over again. They told me I was the seeker and had to count till 100. This mich time I would give them to figure out ways to hide from me. Some will survive other not so much and it was all such an unfortunate accident too.


They don't know what is waiting for them.

I will definitely have to make it look like an accident.

Dead bodies can't talk and they can't snitch!


So I went ahead and started counting at a nearby tree while I was also thinking what to do with these bitches. First of was the problem on making it look like an accident. There were a couple of things I could do but I wasn't going to get caught so the only safe thing to do was actually push someone down these longs stairs. 

Okay easy!

First before doing that let's do a quick round of finding everyone.

I would be sus if all of the sudden someone starts missing from the getta-go.

Yeah let's finish this up quickly.

Me: Ready or not here I come!

For the very first round, I decided to just walk around the orphanage and find everyone. It was a quick game of hide and seek since I could find them pretty easily. Now the second game was kinda the same since I hid in plain sight and they found me. You know there were heroes watching us, so I couldn't go on and just dip or kill someone in front of them. Tho that would look amazing.

The moment the third game started, I went ahead and just ditched the role of hider and followed the seeker. That child was a brat and one of the kids I hated with passion. Why? Well he always was nagging at the work I was doing and not only that but they were never actually grateful at all. All I got thanks to this brat was more work.

I never forgot a dead.


Quite the contrary!

I would always pay back what I was owing one.

So the moment I saw them get to the stairs, I came forth and smiled at them. Now I knew that people could hear my voice if I was about to say anything, so I decided just to smile and do it quickly.

Are you, are you comin' to the tree?

Where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

It was strange how I got this lyrics suddenly in my head and I felt soo happy seeing the child rolling down the stairs until they hit the end of them. From the force I pushed them it was quite clear that they for sure would either be hurt for life or dead. Let's just say I loved making sure if they were dead but there was an open fucking door which was actually showing the inner garden. So even if I wanted to get down people would see me and that was bad.

Still from the snapping sound which echoed a bit, this child was definitelly dead!

Off I go!

Quickly without even staying there for a second more, I went to the addic to hide there. One spot, that was all it took and I knew that the kids would never go there at all. Tho, I decided to be at the entrance right at the window and behind the courtains. You could still see my bright red sneakers but oh well.

While I was hiding there, this song continued to play in my mind and I actually started humming it too.

Are you, are you comin' to the tree

Where dead man called out for his love to flee?

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

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