Social media... what a curse!

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I might not be a hacker but I was also not to be underestimated when it came to finding out informations. It was not just my skill but I was observant. So it was easy to find hints everywhere and then follow them like bread crumbles till I found a social media account which had the head of secruity in it and his daughter.


After that it was like taking a lolly from a baby, it was just easy to find out and pin point where they life. I mean did anyone ever thought about picture markings? No? In case you were wondering what that was... In each picture was a scenery, a background with a building, a sign, a shop and so on. There was never the same street twice in a city and besides that google was helping out to know where the things could be located and then I started backtracking putting everything together till I got an address where the man was living.

Now that alone was not helpful. I needed to know the exactl appartment and that meant some more digging. After a while I managed to find some home pictures where I could see a window and from there on it was simply just going to the address and then look at the surrounding to know where the man lives.


Of course I was not waiting for anything and went the same day out the moment I knew where the man lives. The only thing was, it was daytime and doing a crime at brought daylight was a different story in the city like this. It was a lot more risky but I had to actually do it. This was all for the sake of my family and I doubted that Shigaraky would have left me alone. If he would have found out about Serpant and Stain, then he would use them against me. Things run like this and that was my worst nightmare. I got soo emotionally attached to them that I would do anything to make sure they would be safe.


This is the building.

Now how do I get in?

I don't have any villain cloth on me right now....

Nor am I hiding my identity...

Ah fuck!

I knew I forgot something!

At least I got a hoody.

This should do the trick...

And I need to be careful about cams.


Let's do this shit and leave as quickly as possible.

I got my gun as well..

No need for a lot of blood.

I would prefer it but nope. 

Not this time!

I found out where they live and went out to catch the man in the morning. For me it was quite late since I was more or less nocturnal but for normal people it was early in the morning. I found out that he was having breakfast at around 6:30 since his daughter liked to share some food from time to time. Well social media sure is something else and probably also a curse.

Now that I was actually in front of the building, I decided to ring everywhere till someone was answering the outerdoorbell.

???: Hello?

???: Hey, I am so sorry I am ringing you up. I left my key upstairs and my mom is inside but she is not answering the door. Do you think you could let me in?

???: Ah no problems. This can happen.

Me: Thanks a lot.

It was really easy to get inside the building. I didn't think this would work but apparently it did. There were still some good people out there. Rare species nowadays but here and there you can find good people like Serpant or Stain or this woman who foolishly opened the door. Now no one will ever know that it was her fault that a family would meet their end today.

Why does this stupid building not have any elevator but only fucking stairs?!

This is annoying!

Plus I need to go to the top floor as well!!!!


4 damn floors!



He gets enough income to live in a better place... so why here?

Why would anyone live in such a small place in a district which has such a high crime rate?

This doesn't make much sense...

I should better watch myself here.

No slip ups!

Let's do this cleanly!

Get the daughter, have the gun around her, threaten him and then make sure he makes the damn announcement and after that I can shoot him.

This order.

Not any other one!

It needs to be in this one!

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