Let's pray he doesn't find out....

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I really couldn't believe someone was this dumb and would do this. Besides not realising that I just came from over the rooftop and landed behind the person. Now you think I should do what I did? I mean maybe this was not the best idea but I didn't really care much and tapped the shoulder of the person holding a fucking shotgun and pointing at Stain and the hero.

Was this a civilian? What fucking civilian would have a shotgun at home? This was basically not possible and why would they just walk here, hide and try to get Stain and the hero now? NAH-AH. In no way was this a normal civilian.

Then was this perhapse another hero? Maybe but let's be honest, a hero who hides in the dark in an alley having a goddamn shotgun in their hands an pointing at another hero was just... well... a bit too risky. I mean what if they shot the other person, the other hero? Then what? Blame the villain? A vandeta? Or perhapse!

This person was another villain and if I was right then this person was already waiting for the hero and didn't care about Stain at all. Out of everything this would make the most sense and to top it off Stain would have such a bad luck today if I wouldn't be there. So call it luck in between misfortune.

Me: So what did you want to do again?

As innocent as I could, I said this while the guy turned around. I was sure that he didn't see me pull out the daggers which immediately also triggered my quirk. It was just a matter of seconds that I knew how to deliver the final blow to the guy.

Oh now you are trying to do what now?

Are you sure you are faster than me?

Let me answer this question for you...


And the result will be the same as not attacking me.

Tho with this you made it a lot harder for yourself!

I won't be this lenient now.

I will not let it be this easy as well.

The moment the guy realised what was going on and seeing my dark costume, he could easily put one and one together. I was a villian, this guy was a villain and Stain and a hero were fighting each other at the moment. Why should there be 2 extra villains in the story and why would one actually stop the other when there was this fine rule that we wouldn't mind each other business. It was one unspoken rule but I didn't care about it at all. You know I was the boss of my own life and didn't had to listen to anyone saying anything.

Now put 1 and 1 together and I was sure that this guy was capable of doing this or he wouldn't have immediately tried to shoot me. Of course the gun was loud but of course I was also fast then his reaction speed thanks to my quirk and served his right arm up and made him drop the damn gun away from us.

It was a small fight since I could basically kill him immediately but I decided to have my fun after the shot and started stabbing this person and stabbing him. I wanted him to feel enormous pain until he died and the best way to do so was actually by stabbing him over and over at the parts where it would be not lethal for him. Moreover that served arm would definitelly make him bleed out and thanks to all the stabs I did, he would be done for sure. There was nothing that could safe him and yes I may look like a lunatic at this point but I really enjoyed it.

Stain: UASGI!

I heard my name and looked up to see Stain there. The color of his face was pale as a sheet.

And I scared him again.

For a hero killer he is easy to get frightened.

And he can't hide it that well either....

Well this idiot was trying to kill you!

But you wouldn't know that and you wouldn't know what I did besides stabbing him like a crazy ass sociopath.

Me: *Sigh* He tried to shoot you.


I did as he said while retrieving my dagger and putting it away. This hero killer ran around me and looked me up from top to bottom until I could see relieve washing over his face.

Stain: I am glad he didn't get you.

Me: Oh you thught this is my blood...

Stain: I mean look at you! YOU ARE A FUCKING BLOODY MESS!

Me: AH no. I am fine. That's all his. What about the hero?

Stain: Done and my brother gonna kill me if he sees you like this! Now follow me.

Me: Where?

Stain: My place so you can get cleaned up before we head back.... AND pray my brother doesn't find out about this....

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