Pay Back

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It was the time to act like myself instead of play a role. Besides that, I got soo hurt thanks to this woman soo many times. Her quirk was quite something as well. Paralyzing touch, that was what it was called. To be honest it was for more than that but only a few people knew it.

This woman could actually not only paralyze but also hurt people with a touch. The principal are the same she just never actually noted it down. I mean whenever she touched someone skin, she could drive the nerves beneath it crazy. The numb and paralyzed sensation is due to her over stimulating them. Then there was also the times where she doesn't go full out and that was pure pain.

Again, not many people know that and the important part here is that her quirk could only be activated by her hands.


She is going at me!

Does she really think, I'll let her touch me or something?

How dumb is she?

As this woman came at me, I really thought playing with her more would be fun. So I simply dodged the attack and instead cut her ever so slightly on her arm. It was quite a huge but not deep cut. It's intention was not to kill but to hurt.

Me: Oh how do you like it?

Head Caretaker: You son of a bitch! You'll pay for this!

Me: Oh really ~

Now I was really playing and enjoying this too. Never did I thought making someone this desperate would be soo much fun. This was my very first time since all I would do before was make them fear me and then watch them suffer till the very end.

The way they would look at me was something else. I mean the fear in their eyes when their realize they can't escape or the moment when they start begging for their live. Ohh it was soo sweet and entertaining to see the glitter in their eyes disappear.

However this was something else. This was just playing around and making them more furious which was honest soo much fun.

Oho would you look at this!

There are now 23 Possibilities!

How magnificent!


Didn't know that was an option till now...

That would make the whole room bloody tho.

I don't likethis option.

Let's continue this play and see if there will be a better solution then these ones.

Honestly I could see a couple but all these chances would leave a mess. There were some that were less bloody but I had to go with something clean after all. The chance of me running into someone when I leave this room was pretty high. It's wasn't late and usually the kids here would stay up till the lights went out. That was always the signal for us to go sleep or be in our rooms... That was however also the time when I was most active.

This head caretaker tried over and over again to touch me. It was useless and I couldn't believe that she still didn't gave up at all. Dodging was no problem at all. She wasn't fast nor was she pretty agile and all her moves were readable. This was really a waste of time but I was enjoying myself a lot just dodging and making her angrier with each passing minute.

Me: What? Can't catch me, huh?~

She was cursing all the time while she tried to hit me but I really didn't cared at all. I was soo used to hear her curse at me for soo long that this wasn't bothering me at all. It wasn't as if I was taking it personally or something. If there was one thing I learned then it was to shut up and accept everything people throw at me. I mean all I could do was accpet after all. Killing people in broad daylight wasn't my style and not to mention how risky it was. 

Me: Come on~ Do it~

Time started to pass and I could tell that she actually was getting tired and loosen up a bit as well. There were just way too many openings by now and I could literally kill her in 45 ways. It was fun how this number was rising the more I started moving around as well as cutting her ever so slightly.

However enough is enough. Everything has to have an end and for me this was one of these things. I mean by now, I could tell that she was getting exhausted but the floor was also covered in blood as well. My shoes were getting firty and it was starting to annoy me as well.

I mean I was already over the point of it being fun now.

Ah this is getting boring now.

It was fun as long as it lasted.

Enough is enough...

Should end this now.

I played enough with her.

Now lets show her true horror.

Without much time given to her to react, I dodged her attacked and grabbed the shard harder in my hand so I could easily kill her with it. There was one point around her back where I knew it was just one stab and it was over. Plus I was fairly confident that it wouldn't end in a bloody mess or maybe it would. The more I thought about it the more I realised that no matter what I did, this room would be filled with blood. Oh whell I was about to burn everything down anyways.

Now with my. body moving on its own after finally deciding on a method, I went straight for the back of her neck and stabbed her right between the spine bones. It was pretty much equal to snapping her neck but this was more fun. I got a bit of blood but it didn't splatter everywhere so I was fairly okay with that.

Me: *sigh* Too bad it's over now...

It really could have lasted a bit longer....


It was good as it was.

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