He did what?!

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I may or may not have had my fun shooting all these people but it was over since there was no hero in training left for me to kill besides Bakugo and the only hero that was still alive was Eraserhead. Now knowing that, I decided to get down and leave the riffle up there. I didn't had any fingerprints and I was wearing gloves as well so there was no problem in doing that.

I want to meet them soo badly.

I just want too!

I wanna show Kacchan what I have become and I also wanna mess with Eraserheads mind.


I hear something...

Stain: Pffffff


Why is he laughing?

Did he see me?


He can't that is impossible.

Then what's soo funny...

For absolutelly no reasons Stain started laughing. I dunno what happened but he was just having it right here. If not for the fact that we were all in a mission, I thought he was on some kind of drugs?! What was he even taking in? There was nothing outside there that he should be laughing and he couldn't obviously see me soo why was he laughing soo badly?

Me: What's funny?

I just had to answer and activate my end of the connection so I could talk as well.

Stain: Nothing.

This sounds sus...

Serpant: If you say anything...

This sounds even more sus.... the hell happened?!

I was actually on my way to get off from where I was and go get to the middle where Shigaraki's dead body is. Bakugo was actually already on his way towards there to see his dea teacher but after hearing that over the line, I stopped in track being a bit confused. Who knows what was going on outside and from what I knew, he could also be like in danger or just decided to prank his brother. He could do that... I've seen them mess with each other already.

Stain: I am not.

Me: Alright, now I wanna know.

Serpant: Nothing.



This doesn't sound as if they are in danger....

But what happened?!

I wanna know!

Don't leave me alone out of everything.

Serpant: Stop it.

Stain: But brother....

Serpant: Don't say it.

Stain: I-hahahahaha

Me: Did something happen?

Serpant: No.

Stain: Pfffff-

Me: Alright this is sus. Do I need to go out?

Serpant: Nah, you are in the clear. I have Stain help me out. So do your thing.

Me: Help you out?

I was soo close on screaming that because by now they somehow got me worried that Serpant, the man that I knew did something stupid. No way that could be it but was it Stain then who did something. Both didn't seem quite logical for me in this kind of situation at all so I was indeed soo very confused and soo close on leaving right now to have a look what the hell was going on.

Stain: He just drove into a fire hydrant.








Serpant: I told you not to tell him!

Me: Pffff-

Stain: Well he has to know that we can't use the car anymore.

Me: What? How did that happen....

Serpant: I messed up there was a cat which jumped in front of me while I was relocating and I-

Stain: He drove straight into a fire hydrant and the inside is flodded now.

Serpant: I am not gonna kill the cat.

Stain: Whelp now you have to dip.

Me: Stain, we could move together, we are fast anyways.

Serpant: I know. I am going to the base we will stay after this.

Me: What about the shop?

Serpant: I am relocating and already have people move my stuff.

Me: What? Why didn't I know about this?

Stain: Not the time now, is it?

Me: True.

Stain: Don't worry we gotcha covered and I have my brother covered.

Me: Alright. I am nearly done here as well.

Stain: Take your time.

Me: You have everything in controll?

Serpant: Well thanks for the faith.

Stain: I got it.

That was all he said before it was silent again and honestly I could only imagine how Serpant just flooded the car we were supposed to use. Anyways now without the car, we had to run away. Not really that bad but I liked it a lot more. Running felt like freedom and jumping from rooftop to rooftop in Stains speed was just amazing. It felt just great! Besides which hero would actually go after us with Stain there?

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