Oh shit...

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Kurogiri stood up right after he said so and I didn't even touch the drink he prepared. For once I really wanted to drink it up and forget about everything since it smelled strong and like alcohol. On the other hand, I shouldn't do it and the glass itself was disguasint me. The only reason I really didn't touch the drink was because I saw how he took it from a shelf which had spider webs and I couldn't stand the idea of it no matter how much he cleaned it up. I knew it was not clean since he didn't use any water.

Me: You need some motiviation to move?

Kurogiri: No but don't you want to drink it up?

Me: No.

Kurogiri: Alright.

It was only now that he came over or more like teleported over to open up a portal. He even bowed like a butler and showed me the way. Definitely something straight out of a movie theater. 

Now I definitely have to think about what to tell Serpant.

He gonna be soo out if he knows the truth...

Didn't he warn me not to mess with the LOV...

And here I am...

But then again why was he so scared?

It doesn't really make sense and I think he may or may not have told me the reason but..... I was way too absorbed into something else.... yup... I maybe should have listened better....

Whelp nothing that can be done now...

I can ask!

As if!

But why now?


Doesn't sounds like a bad idea...

I was already walking towards the portal until I stopped and looked back at Shigaraki who looked a bit on edge. Maybe the small meet up with the reaper right there or loosing his hand was finally making his alarm bells go off the right way. No more acting at all.

Me: Say who is the big guy again?

I really should listen to what people say...

He even might have said it as well...

But all I could think about was how stupid he was for acting up like this.

He could have also just honestly asked me instead of doing everything and I could have really nicely and politely said no....


It was soo not about to happen.

No matter how much I think about it. 

He is a villain!

Why should he ask me politely as if I would even listen to him...

On second thought, I might have attacked him...


There wouldn't be any talking...

Shigaraki: Wouldn't you-

And that was exactly when I threw my knife at him. It was simply a knife that graced his cheek as well as cut a bit through his ear but that was all. It would make a scar for sure but oh well something he for sure needed since he couldn't learn anything from being stupid. Kurogiri his dear little babysitter knew what was going on and how dangerous I was. There was no way he didn't. Why else was he butting in sometimes then?

Me: One chance before I grab my gun and let you meet my dear friend personally with a bloody present as well.

Kurogiri: All for One.

Me: All for One?

Kurogiri: Yes. Shigaraki was brought up by him and All Might is our main goal.

Me: I see... you know you should honestly look at your partner here and learn something from him as well Shiggy.

Shigaraki: Shiggy?

Me: Yes, Shiggy deal with it.

That was the only thing I really said to Shigaraki before turning around lifiting my hand and showing him the middle finger as I walked through the portal. Thankfully I was not met with either Stain or my dear little father figure Serpant. Tho honestly he was more like a big brother I never had. I hated thinking about parents since they always and I mean always sucked. No matter how hard I was thinking about them, I knew that they always gave up on me but Serpant was diffferent. He in fact was not only supporting me but also showing me the right way and helping out, not getting mad for the wrong things but only for the right ones. He was just family... no matter how much I thought about it.

Me: Thanks for getting me back.

Kurogiri: Your welcome.

Me: Don't do this again if you guys do something like that again ama swear to god, ama do something far worse to him. That was only a reminder.

Kurogiri: Please forgive his rudeness towards you.

Me: I will when I get the money for everything.

Kurogiri: Already send it to you the right way.

Me: Thank you.

Kurogiri: Have a safe trip back. I hope we see each other again.

Me: Nope. Let's not meet again.

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