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Now that I was actually standing in the middle of chaos, and no one could actually hear me, I decided to clear my end of the line and make a connection so he could hear me as well. Serpant was after all screaming into the head piece soo much that I was thinking he wanted to make me deaf at this point.

Serpant: USAGI!


Now he using Usagi again instead of bunny...

His mood is still not in a great spot..


He can't do anything.


Serpant: The fuck you think you are doing?

He could mean soo much but I knew exactly what he meant. It was a bit suspicious after all. How can he call out to me this fast after I uploaded that short thing out. It was just such a perfect timing that he could honestly also mean something else. 

For example:

Maybe he just caught something or got information for me to fucking get out of there and dip. Or he heard that All for One is gonna go after me. Then he could also know something about the heroes side or the police or Nezu or something completly else. There was quite some things he could know and mean.

Nonetheless it was obvious. 

I mean I just basically sended a video out showing all the dead bodies and then addressing All for One in it. How could that video be there like nothing and no one watching it? Of course that was some great material which should go viral. Who doesn't love a villains birth? Everyone loves a good show and I think I just showed them a great one. 

Besides only Eraserhead knows that all the bloody kills were also on. That means he is the only person which knows that I can not only be a perfect sniper but handle weapons all kind of them. Oh I loved everything, how things happened, how they turned out and it was also only now that I loved that Eraserhead was there at the beginning of my whole career. It started with him back then and it will start with him again. This hero failed in seeing something in a kid and that will eat at him his whole life and I got a personal favorite hero who will go after me. All Might was sooo overrated and Bakugo will soon vanish by All for Ones hands anyways. So I had to get myself a favorite hero to mess with.

Me: Clean up?

Serpant: You know what I am refering to!

Me: Ah the kills?

Serpant: YOU!

Me: If not that, then the message?

Serpant: That video!

Me: What video? I was about to do one.

Serpant: YOU WHAT?

Me: Well I wanted to document everything down.

Serpant: You are a DAMN LUNATIC!

Calling me a lunatic was a bit too much. This was flawless and I didn't make any mistakes by now. Everything I did was calculative and could be still managed in one way or another. To top that off, I was even finished here and just wanted to make a documentation video! It would more or less be my little gift for the heroes to find all the other villains.... speaking of villains they were all kinda hiding from me and I could tell that much.

Me: What?

Serpant: Do you know what you did?

Me: What I did? May I remind you that I am saving our ass!

Serpant: I don't care! We could have dealt with it in a different way!

Me: Oh and how?

Serpant: ....

Me: This was the best! SEEE! You are even speechless.

Serpant: I just need time to think!

Me: We don't have that time. All for One would have come and bitten our ass up and chewed on it for soooooo long.

Serpant: Now you are overexagerating.

Me: Maybe but you were making me go deaf on one ear.

Serpant: PARDON?!

Me: Oh just deal with it. What is done is done.

Serpant: *sigh* We will talk about this!

Me: We will? Why? You can't change the past!

Serpant: Yeah but we can change what will happen from now on since everyone knows your face!

Me: Ah they may know my face but they don't know about me. I am declared as dead.

Serpant: Not for long.

Me: Still will get me some time.

Serpant: It will but what after that?

Me: Nothing.

Serpant: Nothing?

Me: Yes, nothing. I will continue what I will do.

Serpant: Tell me more about that when you manage to get out.

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