Idiots... just Idiots!

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Call me dumb or whatever but I simply took all that I needed and went out on the streets of the underground towards where Serpant told me their headquarters would be. To top that off, I simply didn't care about being stealthy since I had daggers in my hand and not only that but I felt the bloodlust sipping out of me as if I was just a tea cup and it was spilling over. Oh how people went around me trying to avoid me but oh would you look at me! These new clothes were the best for sure and stylish as well.


Now it's payback time!

Should I go for them the hard or the HARD way?


Both are good ways.

I was more than excited and calling me crazy would be an understatement. I loved what I was about to do and I was soo looking forward to it.

No one could actually stop me from killing a person where a person means everyone in the building. Today was the day Orchid would simply die. Did I care about that? Not really! I mean they were the guys who came after me first.

Oh and there was also the thing about Endeavor and the heroes trying to find the culptris behind the hospital massacre. Whelp good luck with that. After today there was no idiot who would try and even snitch on me. There was absolutely no way they would do that if they valued their lives.


It should be around here somewhere....

Let's see.....

Calling this building normal was an understatement. The moment I landed in front of the building I was just buffled and started staring at it. This was for sure not normal.

Are these people dumb or stupid?

Like what the hell?

Why are you even doing this shit?

Now in case one you were wondering what the problem with this building was.... well it was pure white which sticks out like a sore thumb and to top that one that damn logo was on the entrance door like soo big that no one not even a blind person would be able to actully find this place. This was soo dumb that the moment I found the building I stopped shok my head and then face palmed myself with the back of my hand because I was still holding a dagger ready.

This is stupid...

What am I even doing here?

Like for real!!!

What am I doing here?

I just have to get someone to have something against them and it would be over....

No fun tho...


Fuck it!

It took me a bit before I went to the door knocking and looking at the person who just opened the door with such a huge smile that it could have looked as if I was begging him for something. Tho if he thought I was doing that then he was mistaken big times.

Man: Password?

Me: Fuck you and go die in hell!

Man: Wro-

You know what?!

This is childish!

I came here to kill them all!

With that thought in mind, I really didn't care about the guard or anything else. All I did was use my dagger and then cut open his throat before he could say anything more. Once that was done I basically kicked the door open and let the man fall over. 

Oh yeah!

This is how you do it!


This is how you kill someone effectively!

It would have been nice if he was alone but nooo! Honestly these fuckers could go die in a it for all I care because I had to go through the sewers. Why did they wanted to mess with me, who knows! However I would make sure that they will regret this.

Me: So who of you fuckers wanna be next? I got all the times you need.

Hah, I really thought they would come at me but the moment they saw me, they all started to run. 

Me: This is no fun.... Oh whelp gonna have to hunt you down ey!

With that being said, I threw one dagger and hit a persons head before running off to the other one. There were a couple of people here but it was managable because they were all running away. The words of Usagi spread around thanks to Serpant but never did I know that even other mercenaries and assassins would be this scared of me. This was just insane but it was also my luck because otherwise it would be 1 vs who knows how many.

No matter how confident I was, I knew that at some point I would run out of stamina and that would be my end. This is why I had poison gas and so on. Thankfully didn't had to use it but could dive into pure ecstasy of happiness while diving into the blood bath!

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