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Stain was really something and so where these idiots who broke into UA because you know what happened? Everyone started to focus on them and not me at all so I was happy about it but at the same time I also kinda wanted to screw them over for taking my spotlight. I mean I knew I wasn't ready yet and I also knew it wasn't time yet to go solo but that didn't stop me from dreaming about it. ONE DAY I will be on top and ONE DAY, I will make them all frightened and scared from me. 

After the time we both were actually grounded, Stain took me with him to his next target and we both were just waiting for it. 

Me: So this one is a fake why again?

Stain: Doesn't make a lot of good deeds or hero work but is more like a model. A lot of heroes actually become heroes just for the fame and money.

Me: So you are cleaning them up a bit?

Stain: Yes.

Me: Why?

Stain: Why why?

Me: I mean why are you doing this?

Stain: Someone has to do it.

Me: But why you?

Stain: Why not?

Me: Okay we are getting no where here. I meant why is it even necessary. I mean there are heroes and there are villains who are there for this.

Stain: And the villains are created by heroes.

Me: That's how it works.

Stain: That is how it shouldn't work.

Me: huh?

Stain: Look bunny-

Me: I am not a bunny.

Stain: Fine, look kiddo... I was once a vigilante until I realized the problem and now I wam cleaning this fucked up society a bit up.

Me: Wait you were a vigilante?

Stain: Yes.

Me: Why did you become a villain and not a hero?

Stain: Heroes have rules to follow which limits them. I am not one for many rules and regulation to follow besides my quirk is villainous. I never had a chance to get to be a hero so I went for the next best thing and became a vigilante.

Me: Makes sense but why did you change to be a villain and go after heroes?

Stain: I saw how villains got created and I couldn't stand it. I killed the hero and from then on I was known to be the hero killer.

Me: Oh....

Stain: Now enough of my past, there is our target and remember today you only watch me do my thing.

Me: I know... I know...

After he said what he had to say, he left me on that roof without hearing my reply. Ahm rude! It was really rude but I could understand him since he was working with speed and that mant he needed the elemt of surprise. Maybe it wouldn't work this easily if he wouldn't always surprise his target or it would since his fighting style was a bit different. It was all around the right dynamic and with that he was also playing with it like speeding up and then slowing down throwing the other person of guard and so on. Surely a good fighting style but useless against someone like me. My quirk was doing the job for me and I could easily kill him as well thanks to it. 

So I went a bit closer to the edge and decided to lay down on the ground since any underground hero could spot me standing on a fucking rooftop miles away. This night was also such a nice night with a full moon illuminating the streets as if it was brought daylight as well.

Still nothing was better than being outside after being basically grounded for a long time.

I wonder how fast Stain will be....

Let's see...


I think he is doing some unnecessary movements but you do you Stain.

This hero really is fighting on a low level.

Can't believe they call something like that a hero.

Hah.... don't even know how the guy is called.

Oh well not something I am concerend about.

I continued watching the scene and for some reason something caught my attention. It was something shiny coming from the corner of my eyes and it really got my full attention. I couldn't immediately say what it was but there was something and it just looked wrong. 

Me: What the heck... what is that?

The curious me that I am, I decided to leave this rooftop where Stain told me to be and then jump over to the next and look down to what it was.


Bold of you to do this!

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