The buttler?

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I was happy that the kids were at least somewhat obedient. I mean they definitely were not pleased but they knew what was going on and usually I wouldn't be there but there was something that I had to check.

So while the kids started gathering and lining up in front of 3 people I was on the first floor corner. There were stairs leading down right in the middle of that ground floor huge ass room.


They look different.

I knew my guts were telling me right!

This is indeed quite bad.

Those are definitely heroes.

The way they have the guard up...


Better be careful around them.

Now should I lea-


Did he see me!

The moment I thought I made eye contact with this hobo looking guy, I instantly hid behind the wall and duck. My heart was beating fast and the thrill of a hero being on my tracks even though that wasn't true made me exited. I couldn't help but smile at this point. Was I out of my mind? Probably but it was just great!

He might have seen me!

Oh this is fun!

Maybe I should start to go after heroes?


I am to weak for that.

For now let's get a cover.

If I am dead they won't be able to suspect me as a person.

Plus no one will know my quirk.


This is it.

Now let's get out of here for now.

There was nothing good for me to stay like this and so I decided to stealthily as possible get away from this spot. The heroes down there were none of my concern for now. Besides I had something better to do than this.

Preparation is key!

It is everything for my plan right now.

Even if there were people who would come into my path, I could still eliminate them as they are. There was no need to stall for time nor get noticed.

Or so I thought....

??? : IZUKU!

Me: Yes?

Out of pure instinct I answered the call even though it wasn't the care takers voice. This was way too loud for any person to have this kind of loud voice. It was only then that I kicked my tongue realising who just screamed my name.

Mic... This has to be Present Mic...

How did he-

So they saw me.

That damn hobo-hero.

Since they called my name and I did give myself away, I startes to walk down towards them all with a cheery attitude. It was better safe than sorry and I knew better than anyone else that the blood lust I felt was actually a thing from my quirk. It's not something I could get rod of that easily too.


Just smile!

Do not think about your plans or how much you want to kill them all right now for being annoying.

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