A villain on the lose!

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Serpant: Get out of there now! Stain can't hold the police back for much longer!

Me: Huh?!

Serpant: Just get out.

Stain: Don't worry about me but get out of there buddy.

Me: On my way.

Apparently I managed not to listen to a word that is being said and that made it all worse. Outside was hell and chaos and I needed to get out of here. Since there was no time to lose, I decided to go through the employees only way in and out. There I found the chaos. Well police officers where there and around 3 heroes fighting Stian. 

Not for long tho!

It took me just a couple of minutes to change the magazin of the gun and then shot them all before walking over to Stain.

Me: Saved your ass!

Stain: You mean I saved yours!

Me: Let's say we are even.

Stain: WHAT?!


Stain: You pulling my leg huh bunny?

Me: Yup. Now let's get out of here.

We indeed ran away and managed to escape. It was really something what we pulled back here and no one managed to get me. We also returned to our second hideout or what Serpant and Stain said would be our new home. It was unusual to say the least because we were in a penthouse for rich people.

Me: What are we doing here?

Serpant: Living our lives.

Stain: You have to deal with this. I had to also come to deal with this.

Serpant: Yes and you know that it is the best place to be.

Me: How come?

Stain: Should I tell him?

Me: Tell me what?

Serpant: Everyone living in this house is a villain.

Me: HUH?!


Serpant: You the first and second floor are the dealers, smugglers and so on. The 4 stories after that we have thiefs and the next 5 are assassins and mercenaries.

Me: We are on the top... what does that make us?

Stain: Organization leaders and mafia gangs. Basically people you don't want to mess with but we also leave each other alone.

Serpant: Best hideout. This is how I manged to hide as a serial killer.

Me: ...

Alright. I was more than speechless. Serpant was definitelly a man of recourses. This building was insane and it even looked normal with a body guard in the lobby and everything. I mean it looked as if it was for rich people. Nothing against living a bit luxurious but this was insane even this apartment looked insane. By now I was really wondering how much money Serpant had but Stain for sure made it look as if it would be better not to ask so I didn't ask any further.

We also decided to stay there. The next weeks a lot happened. First Bakugo vanished from the hospital and they found a paper with a note for myself. Of course they broadcasted it since someone leaked it and that very someone was of course the corrupt cop. Anyways it was a note from All for One for me saying we are even. 

It was the best I could hear from him.

Then after that, there were soo many heroes after my head including Nezu since I killed a class and also made a scenario once where I got inside UA and talked with him. He knew who I was since I had that note for him. Eraserhead was sure not someone to miss that note.

Of course the news found out who I was and managed to make a public announcement of who the killer rabbit was. From all the villains they caught they got my name as Usagi and a warning not to mess with me. Well they were right in some kind of sense. Anways me, Stain and Serpant were not really interested in what everyone was thinking about us, we were living our lives as if nothing really happened.

Serpant: I got another job for you bunny. You up for it.

Me: Depends what is it?

Stain: You will love it Mister Symbol of peace killer.

Me: Oh really let's hear it then.

Serpant: Someone issued a kill note on Sir Nighteye.

Me: Another hero.... I like it.

Stain: Do you want me to help you?

Me: You are known to kill only bad heroes, so no. 

This was how I kinda got to be the killer bunny and not only a hero killer but I would kill everyone who kinda made it on my radar or needed to be put down for any reasons. I didn't care much about the reason but this society had to fall for a new one to be created.....If that meant killing heroes then so be it. Sir Nighteye was not an exception and neither was any other hero.


A/N: WOW.... what a long story... well thanks for reaching the end and picking this book up. I hope you enjoyed it as well. Maybe I have the chance of seeing you gem in another book of mine.

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