Oh would you look at that!

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I was upstairs still being really bored out of my mind but there was this commotion from downstairs that made me perk up and go towards the stairs and slowly creeping down. It was getting louder and louder plus this was the very first time I heard anyone complain about anything Serpant had. Like this dude had some decent prices as well as some good quality stuff. There was really no need to be rude. Then there was also the fact that he used to be a murderer a paid one and had his name known everywhere... So whoever that was, was being stupid about right now.


Serpant: Dear Costu-


Serpant: I can not do that. May I ask you to le-


What is going on...

This doesn't seem like a good sitiation..

Let me peek around the corner.

I should see them.



I wonder if I should do something...


I am sure Serpant has it covered- Or not.

While I could see that there was a man with a huge sword, I could also see Serpant who just went ahead and unarmed the man. However the moment he did that, I saw some floating fire and it was definitelly about to burn Serpant. Not only that but it was faint but it wasn't actually only fire but something else. Things that were on fire were floating which made me blieve that this man could manipulate anything that was on fire.



I don't think Serpant can actually get out of there...

Whelp, I was bored eitherway.

Good thing this guy came along.

Now I can finally kill some boredome!

The moment I decided to interact, I pulled out my dagger and came out of hiding. Now I could have thrown that but the fun would be ower too quickly, so I started walking down making clearly noises and don't use any stealth techniques at all.

Me: My, My... what is going on here?

???: Who the fuck are you?

Me: Just a bored bunny.


Me: What?

Serpant: Get yourself up, I have it covered.

Me: How about No.

Serpant: *sigh* I swear, you staying at home tomorrow.

Me: Aww come on!


Me: Else what?

Serpant: That's what I want to know as well.

???: You guys are damn stupid or something.

Me: No, just bored.

Serpant: Hey, there is a big difference between a lunatic and stupid and if anything you are the dumb one walking into my shop while I have Usagi here. Do you even know who I am?

???: Should I?

Me: HAhahahahahahahaha

Serpant: Tsk!

Me: Now can I?

Serpant: Do what you want but don't splatter blood everywhere.

If it is only that!

I mean I could go for the head...


Maybe serve some limps!


I can totally open him up and look how his qui-..... wait... no blood splittering...

Oh well... looks like I need to do this route.

Me: Got it.

???: Wha-

Before the man could even say anything more, I let my dagger slip from my hands and threw it the man. This person was really carelessly. Who in the world didn't know about me or him by now? I mean the whole underground was talking about this shop since I killed the shop owner down the street and then Serpant here took me in. To top that one off, Serpant made it clear that I was actually the one who did that with Endeavors wife and so on. Anyone at this point marching in and just do a comotion would be either suicidal, stupid or brain dead. In this case it was the last option which was for sure true.

My knife flew through the air and hit the man right to the chest. Of course he fell down freezing in an instant because my dagger actually went through his heart.

Serpant: Crazy accuracy.

Me: Thanks.

Serpant: Did you practice?

Me: Nope.

My quirk helps with it and this was the one and only method which would not spill blood.

I don't need more grounding material....

I have enough on my plate already.

Serpant: Quirk?

Me: More or less.

Serpant: Well at least you didn't get blood all over my merch.

Me: Now... will you take with you tomorrow or not?

Serpant: ... Is this all you have to say?

Me: Yes.

Serpant: *sigh* I will think about it.

Me: Oh come on! You were in a sitation here and I helped you out. You owe me one.

Serpant: Don't forget why you live here.

Me (whisper mocking): Don't forget why you live here he says... and can't even take care about that person why also telling me to stand back... Uhh I am soo scared... not that I can't finish everything off in here.

Serpant: I heard that.

Me: Ooopp.....

Serpant: Go up, I know you are bored, so I will pretend to never have heard that.

Me: Cool.

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