The video... or not?

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I went over to Thirteen and was about to start filming when all of the sudden I hear a scream coming from the earpiece I had. Oh yeah, I totally forgot that I had Serpant and Stain in line ready to strike and Serpant was literally at home because he messed up. I still didn't get how he managed to drive into a fire hydrant to avoide a car... don't you like hit the break or something? Why drive into one? Well I was sure I would never actually hear the story behind it because he would for sure refuse to say anything out of embarassement.

Serpant: USAGI!


That sure would have made me deaf...


I am glad I am not seeing him in person right now.



I wonder what that is all about.

I can't really answer him with these two still be kinda alive...


Ama deal with this in a second.

Since I couldn't continue ignoring Serpant, I went over to Aizawa who was a lot closer to Thirteen and knocked him out before going to Bakugo and Knocking him out. The thing is... they were still alive just unconcious and then there was Bakugo who made this overly dramatic screaming at me for killing Eraserhead where I just hit a presure point and done. Why was he screaming? Who knows?

I mean he was screaming something along the line of:


and also my personal favorite:


Ohh I was shaking in my boots, what should I say about that else? He killing me? He wouldn't even make it close enough to hit me. Not to mention kill me. Besides he was a hero in training and wanted to be a hero, not only a hero, no he wanted to be the number 1 as well as the peace symbol. Then here he is screaming die and ama kill ya. This for sure didn't make him look pretty nice, did it.

I mean I've seen a lot of weird shit but a hero who behaves like a villainw as something new. Never did I actually also seen anyone who would say anything like that in public. There were instances where heroes would kill villains and it was not as if it was not common as well. Actually the hero commision was pretty much known for that. 

That's what they were at least in the undergrounds.

The thing was.... their reputation was already bad and then there were some who managed to get away from being a hero and in their palms and they would always warn us villains from them after they got homeless basically. No one ever managed to live a long live. I personally never knew one but I did hear stories about them or more like just a bit. It was soo not fun and I hoped that this was not something I had to witness ever. 

Heroes made by the hero commission were just ruthless. 

They would kill villains coldly and I would even say they could be worse than us villains. At least villains had a backstory but what about heroes doing that? They don't have a story at all. I mean they do about how they became like that but they still have a choice and a matter in this. 

Anyways this was not about heroes and how they are more villains than the actual villains this was about me here. 

Serpant: DAMN BUNNY!

I knew it was bad when Serpant called me a bunny and not only that but the way he called me bunny told me everything. He was mad and I had a hunch why. Still how did he already get to the information. It was not even like 5 minutes that I posted the video or more like short video. 

I wanted to do another one as well. One where I would show everything off. That would have been perfect as well, you know... everyone finding out about me. Eventually my story would be the talk of the century. However that was just the topping on the cake. I wanted them to fear me and by them, I meant everyone who had a reason to fear me, heroes, police officers, polititions, hero in trainings, no one would be safe. For now I did just work that was assigned to me but inevitably I wanted to kill everyone who pissed me off and everyone who was more than just deserving death. If the system failed on them as well as me, who was I not to correct it?

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