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A couple of days went actually buy after that fiasco and to tell you one thing.... Serpant really did mean it with the I am grounded part. Now here I was completly bored out of my mind. Honestly I started to burn some stuff because I was bored. Okay not that much just having a candle and some newspaper but still. I also found out that metal can gleem pretty if put on fire too much.


Not to mention that I didn't forget to remind Serpant how bored I was. Of course I would help in the store and all but I was seriously bored.


Serpant: *sigh* Kid, I told you not to scream.

Me: I am bored!

Serpant: Do something.

Me: Then give me a mission.

Serpant: You are still grounded.

Me: Then a candle.

Serpant: You want to fucking kill us all?

Me: Why you jumpt to that conclusion.


You are overexagerating.

I was just playing for a bit and I was watching where the burning paper or my still glowing dagger would be.

No need to be sooo on edge.

I am not stupid or brainless... I am just fucking bored!

Why can't you just let me go out and kill someone....

Or just let me go out?

I mean yeah... they searching for the killer and all but they are not searching for a kid.

Soo... I am safe.

For the past few days Serpant did watch out for me and he definitelly made sure that I wouldn't go out for a killing spree which at this point was more than likely, no, it was 100% sure to happen. As if that was not enough for now, I was also soo sure to go after a hero since I was bored and I needed a challange.

Serpant: *sigh* just calm down and chill. How about watching some series on Netflix?

Me: Done that. Now can I go out?

Serpant: You will kill someone if I let you out.

True but none of your business!

I can go out, kill and make it as if nothing ever happened!

No evidence, nothing and you can't blame me after that.

Serpant: Yes I can!

Me: WHAT! How do you know what I was thinking?

Serpant: You had that usuall Cheshire smile on your face.

Me: Darn it.

He couldn't know that I wanted to kill a hero tho... could he?

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he could read my mind or something...

I looked at Serpant while I was thinking about some random stuff as well as the murder scene from a couple of days ago just to be sure that this man didn't had a sercret second hidden quirk or something like that. Thankfully it didn't looked that way. He may just had some really good senses or could interpret my smile pretty easily.

Serpant: Look if you can get yourself together for another week, I will get you a mission again.

Me: 3 days.

Serpant: 7

Me: 4

Serpant: 7

Me: 5

Serpant: Do you not know what a week is?

Me: I do but still 6.

Serpant: No, is no.

Me: Come on!

Serpant: You get 7 days of staying in here with me.


Why couldn't he just fall for it.

And I am not stupid enough to put the number higher than 7 cause he would say fine with me for sure.

Me: And what you want me to do for the week?

Serpant: Just repent, think about what you wanna do and everything else.

Me: Can I at least walk around the market?

Serpant: No. Down here, there are no rules and you would for sure just take that to your advantage.

Me: Not that you are wrong but I need to move a bit as well.

Serpant: Hmm.... Fine you will come with me tomorrow.

Me: Where you going?

Serpant: Checking the newest delivery.

Me: Oho! So I will see your dealer?

Serpant: You won't see him. We always come in later.

Me: But what if the things are damaged then? What you doing?

Serpant: I know his contacts.

Me: So you mean where he lives and everyhting else?

Serpant: Exactly.

Me: OHHH... so if anything is wrong you would go after him?

Serpant: And his family. That is my business rule.

Me: Don't you think that is a bit harsh?

Serpant: Look things down here in the black market and underground don't work the same.

Me: I got that part but you calling me cruel for what I did at the hospital and you do that?

Serpant: Touche!

Me: Hypocrite!

Serpant: Hahahahahaha

That was really all he said before going back downstairs because we could both hear the entrance bell indicating a new costumer.

Damn Hypocrite!

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